Chapter 9

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As George's father still held George, he started to calm down. Claire walked over to George and his parents as Jonathan told her with caution, "be careful. We don't know if Jack's still there." "I'll be fine Jonathan. Honest." As she approached George, she joined his parents as she wanted to hold him and tell him that everything would be all right. But she thought it was best not to risk it. They all stayed in the room so they could give George and his family some support. When George was completely calm, all he had to do was rest. It was hard for him to keep fighting as Claire took his left hand. "It's okay George. We're all here for you." His father encouraged him, "just keep fighting son. You're like me. A fighter. I'm proud of you."

George's mother looked at his father as said, "he really is like you. I wish apart from being pale, he would be at least a little bit like me." Mike told her, "he has your eyes until he changes. Then he has his dad's eyes. He's also like you about caring too much. He cares about his friend and Claire. When he's ready you, Jack and I will take him home to see his friend. It might cheer him up." "All I want is the best for him." "We know." Everyone then remained silent as they waited for George to wake up.

Four hours passed as George started to wake up. He held his head as he asked, "what happened to me?" Jonathan told him, "the doctor told you to look into his eyes and when you looked into them he told you to sleep. And then you fell asleep." "So what happens now?" Mike told him about what they were going to do next. "Your parents and I are going to take you home to see your friend." "Thank you. I saw how down he was without me. I'm his only friend." George got off of the sofa as he, his parents and Mike set off to see Alex after a few days of not seeing him.

When they were back in George's street he said with a saddened voice, "I really miss living here." "You'll be back before you know it. I've missed living here as well," his father said. He then asked him, "how far does he live from here?" "Not far. It's just a few more houses down." As they walked to Alex's house, George walked up to the front door and knocked. A few seconds passed as the door opened. Everyone saw a woman open the door. "George?" "Hi." He looked at Mike and his father as he introduced her. "This is Alex's mum." When he looked back to Alex's mother he asked, "can I please see Alex?" "Of course." She invited them into the house as she and George walked up the stairs and said, "he's been really depressed not seeing you. I'm sorry that you're in danger." "It's fine. I want to check on him so he might be happier."

When they were outside Alex's door, George said, "thank you," knocked on the door and opened it. "Guess who?" "George!" Alex and George hugged as they haven't seen each other for days. "Are you still safe?" "For now. I've got my dad back." "That's great news. Is he okay?" "My mum and my new friends and I helped save him but when we were getting him out he collapsed. He's fine now, he's downstairs. I can't stay long anyway because I don't want you in any danger." "Are you sure you can't stay? I want to catch up with you." "Alex, if I told you, then you wouldn't be my friend anymore. You'd hate me." "We share everything together. Is it because it will put me in danger as well and you don't want me to get hurt?" "Yes." George hugged Alex again and said, "I'll call you sometime. And thank you so much for being supportive." Alex was still worried about George as he said, "don't mention it. I'll see you soon and you call me whenever you want so I know you're safe." "That's a promise." George was about to walk out of the door when he fell to the floor.

"George?" Alex heard footsteps as Mike entered his room. "Sorry. He's done this a few times this week." Alex's mother walked into the room to see George on the floor shaking. "What's happening?" "You wouldn't believe us if we told you. We don't want to put anyone else's lives at risk," Mike said with worry. George's father walked up the stairs and said, "nice to meet you Alex. I'm taking George to ours. You can come round in an hour or so." "Okay." George's father picked George up, walked down the stairs and walked to their house.

A werewolf in danger 'a werewolf series' book 1 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now