Chapter Three

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I called my mother when I got home, shivering and coughing. I explained that I had just been caught in the rain and I had fallen over at school. I explained that I wasn't feeling well. She rushed home, calling the doctor.

The doctor came to our home, explaining that I would probably get a nasty cold and that I need rest. The doctor had been the same one who had diagnosed me all those years ago.

I stayed home for the next week, sporting a flu and some chest pains. I told the doctor that I had tripped and fallen into the pool, she probably didn't believe me to be honest, and she explained that I would still be a bit weak, but the chest pains should go away. They've gotten better since my first day.

It was now the Monday after, and I was getting ready for school. No doubt I'm the subject of every piece of gossip at the school.

Usually, I would plan a huge prank on the guys to get them back. The problem with that is, it seems like they would never stop retaliating and it would probably just keep on getting worse and worse. Plus, my heath couldn't keep up with it all. The first time they chucked me in a pool, what would they do next?

I sighed and walked to the bus stop. I made sure to pack extra clothes from now on, incase another pool incident, or something like that, happens.

I hoisted my bag further onto my back and boarded the bus, taking my seat in the front again. Instead of everyone carrying on with their usual conversations, they stared and whispered.

Jeez people, get over it. I stood up to the assholes and they got revenge. Time to move on.

I ignored them and plugged my earphones in, putting some music on. I took a deep breath and relaxed, wishing that I could just keep riding the bus to wherever it goes.

I know I sound dramatic but c'mon, who willingly wants to go to school?

When we got there, I was once again the first off the bus. I put my head down and entered the building, ignoring the snippets of gossip that I heard from my fellow students. Some of it was praising me and saying I was a 'badass'.

Others were saying that I was an attention seeking... yeah, I'd rather not repeat it.

I went to my locker, putting my bag away. I checked my schedule, realising I had the exact same classes that I had last week. I groaned.

I started making my way to the English classroom, even though I was really early for it. The teacher was in there, reading.

I silently made my way to the farthest desk that I could find that was well away from everyone else.

A little while later, a girl came and sat next to me. "Hi, I'm Kaitlyn. You're the new girl right?" she asked.

I nodded, giving her a small smile. "Yep, that's me. I'm Stephanie, call me Stef."

She nodded. "You were the one who stood up to.. the jerks?"

I laughed. "Mhm. Was a bad idea though. They got revenge."

"What're you talking about?"

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "You don't know?"

"I don't pay attention to rumors."

"Oh, well, they chucked me in a pool after school last week."

She was a little shocked. "Wow, what jerks." I nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, what you did was cool. No one has ever stood up to them," she said, grabbing out her books to get ready for class.

"I can tell by the way their faces looked," I snorted. I grabbed out my books too. Kaitlyn and I couldn't talk any further since the teacher had begun his lecture.

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