Chapter Twenty Four

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When I woke up, it was dark outside. I had fallen asleep? How could I have been that tired? It just didn't make sense. I got up and checked the time. 8:30 pm.

I immediately went upstairs, not bothering to cook anything, and changed in my pajamas. I got into bed, which was thankfully more comfortable, and dozed off into a more peaceful sleep.

I woke up on Friday morning feeling drained and tired, still. Plus it was cold, the heater not seeming to do the trick of warming up the house. I contemplated going to school or not as I went downstairs to make myself breakfast. I should've eaten last night, but I was completely and utterly exhausted.

I cooked myself some yummy bacon before serving it up on a plate. It was early in the morning, and I didn't have to be at the bus stop for an hour and a half. I didn't know if I could be bothered going to school, especially considering the fact that I didn't feel very well.

I decided to take the day off, ringing up to make an appointment with my doctor. She could give me something to make me feel better. After I booked an appointment for two o'clock in the afternoon, I was free to lounge around all day while watching Game Of Thrones.

At around one, I decided it was best to start getting ready. I put on some casual and comfy jeans with a nice warm black sweater and some converse shoes. I grabbed my keys and phone before walking outside, locking the door behind me.

I could deal with walking to the clinic, I knew where it was. So I decided to walk, since I didn't have my license yet and I didn't really drive as much as I should of.

Anyway, it took forty five minutes to walk to the clinic, and I still had time to spare before my appointment. I sat in the waiting room, playing silly games on my phone, before the doctor came in and announced my name. "Stephanie Arnolds?"

"That's me," I muttered, standing up and following the doctor to her little office filled with posters of body parts.


I sat down on the bed, a sheet of paper covering the place where I sat. She asked the standard questions, my date of birth etc., and then asked me about my symptoms.

I had known this doctor for years, she was a close friend of my mum. She had been there all those years ago, delivering the first round of bad news.

I told her of the tiredness, the weakness, the sweating and the always feeling cold. She wrote these notes down on a clipboard as I recounted anything strange. Her eyebrows furrowed as I kept going, not exactly making me feel confident.

"Do you mind if I keep you here for a while? I'd just like to run a few tests, if you don't mind," she said, looking me in the eye.

"Take any tests needed, I'll stay here for as long as needed," I replied, a nervous feeling stirring in my stomach. She nodded and typed some things into her computer while I stared at the informative posters that were littered on the walls of her office.

Two hours later, I was free to go. Doc said she would call me later tonight or tomorrow with the test results. I walked back home, and by then it was starting to get dark. Grey clouds rolled in, indicating that a storm was brewing. The rain started shortly after I entered the house.

The house was still empty, so I just walked upstairs and collapsed on my bed, enjoying the soft comfort. I decided that I was hungry so I quickly grabbed a snack from downstairs before I went back up to my room.

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My weekend was spent very productively.

By that, I mean I lazed around and did absolutely nothing productive.

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