Chapter Thirty Eight

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A/N: awesome cover above by @madinwonderlandd !! kind of important A/N at the end.

I was now living in the hospital at this point. My condition had neither deteriorated nor improved, so I was stuck bored in a hospital bed. My only reprieve had been a short two days where I was enabled to complete my exams for my first and final year of high school. Other than that, I was watching cartoons and eating average food.

Every time those boys came in to see me, I sent them away immediately. I wasn't ready, and I didn't want to forgive them yet. I couldn't. Not after what they had done, how badly they had screwed up. This was going to take time, not a mere few days.

There were officially two weeks left of school now, before we were free to be adults and do, almost, whatever we wanted. Over text, Amber kept me up to date with the latest news of parties and big events. Not that I would be able to attend any though.

My mood had dropped and stayed down low, with my constant thoughts becoming an annoying burden on my mind. 

I was bored, lonely and had a lack of the things I unfortunately missed. My idiotic best friends.

So, there I was, eating cereal on an early Saturday morning when Amber came sauntering into my room, holding a packet of almonds and a chocolate bar.

I raised an eyebrow. "What's the occasion? Cafeteria having a buffet?"

"No, I wish," she said. "Our finals game is today." I hadn't noticed her soccer uniform underneath the black jacket she had been wearing.

"That's awesome," I said, struggling to sincerely grin. "You guys better win."

"Well, I want you to come and support us," she said.

"Are you dumb?" I asked ludicrously. She threw an almond at me. "I'm in a hospital, they aren't going to let me wander down the street."

"That's why I've come up with a master plan! It involves a huge teddy bear, three pairs of sunglasses and a violin."

"Okay," I said slowly. "That's a no. How about we ask permission instead?"

"But I have a second plan! This one has seven lemons, a sombrero and a dild-"

"Hello, Amber!" I heard my mother's voice as she walked into the room with some more clothes. "How are you?" 

"I'm good, how are you?" I almost scoffed at her smooth recover from the odd conversation.

"I'm well," she said, eyeing my friend with a light hearted suspicion. "What are you guys talking about?"

"School," I replied.

"Fruit," Amber unfortunately replied at the same time, making me give her a weird look.

My mother nodded, slightly confused. "Soccer game today?"

"Yep!" Amber said, her eyes lighting up at the opportunity to discuss one of her favourite topics. "We play finals. I was hoping that Stef could be there."

My mother didn't look impressed, but she did look thoughtful and hesitant. "I don't know, I don't think it's a good idea. What if she gets sick? Her immune system is weak, so it could-"

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