Chapter Ten

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Then someone tapped me on the shoulder, the presence being very close behind me.

I spun around, ready to kick someone where the sun doesn't shine, if you know what I mean.

I sighed with relief when I realised that it was just Jordan, being an idiot. I got out of my Kung fu stance to look at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Way to be creepy," I joked.

He shrugged. "This party is full of people, it's easy to sneak up on someone."

I narrowed my eyes and then I noticed Blake standing behind him, grinning.

"So where's the other two? Wait, let me take a wild guess, drinking and breaking girls hearts," I snorted.

The boys shrugged and nodded. "Pretty much," they said at the same time.

"Well, I'm off to my room to contemplate what I'm doing with my life, see you later," I said, turning around but they both crushed me when they stood right next to me, their muscles and height making me look puny.

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you? My bodyguards?"

"Yes, and this party is pretty shit. Can we hang in your room?" Blake asked, wearing a pouty face.

I scrunched my nose up in confusion but I didn't question them. "Alright, as long as you don't kidnap and kill me."

They grinned as they followed me upstairs, while I was left questioning as to why.

Then, a thought hit me. All this time, I've been questioning as to why Blake and Jordan actually socialised with me. Why would two of the hottest boys in school, want to hang out with me?

But what if, they actually wanted to be friends?

It was possible, I mean why else would they try to talk and hang out with me? Isn't that something you do when you want to become closer, or become friends, with each other?

I shook those thoughts out of my head, but I held a small smile on my lips. I really haven't had anyone that actually tried to be friends with me. Every time I wanted friends, I would chase them until when we finally became 'friends', they would just ditch me.

Maybe I could be friends with Blake and Jordan. I do, despite what they did when they first met me, think they're pretty cool and actually like them. In a friend way, of course.

When we got to my room, I quickly ushered them in before closing the door, blocking little of the loud music and cheering from the party goers around us.

"Welcome to my evil lair, beware the closet, that's where I keep the bodies," I welcomed them in a dramatic voice.

Jordan rolled his eyes. "What a warm welcome."

"It's what I do."

They walked around my plain room. There wasn't much in it, mostly just my white books shelves full of books and my black and white double bed. They wandered around, looking at the books and little amount of photos that I had in my room. The photos were mostly of scenery and nature. There was a TV plus a game console with a few different games that I like to play when I'm bored.

"What a boring room," Blake snorted.

"I tried my hardest to disappoint you," I replied, scoffing.

I sat down on my bed and watched them wander around. Never would I have thought that I would be in this situation. Two attractive guys exploring my room while my asshole cousin was having a party downstairs.

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