Chapter Twenty-Six

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Elly's Point Of View

They brought Vevina to the hospital after she passed out from the pain. I am sitting in the waiting room with my hands on my head.

"I can't go through this again." I whisper. I felt someone sit in the chair next to me and I look up and see Samson sitting next to me.

"She'll be okay Elly."

"How do you know? Did you talk to the doctors?" I snap.

"No..." I sigh and push my palms into my eyes. "Elly you don't look so good, you should get some rest."

"I can't do that, not while Vevina is dying."

"She isn't dying."

"Elly!" A voice yelled. I looked down the hall and see Brad fighting against a guard. The guard is meant to keep the startled masses downstairs from getting up.

"Let him in." I say. The guard steps aside and Brad ran down the hall to me.

"Elly, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say.

"You're lying." He says. "You look like you are going to faint. We should go home."

"No, I'm not leaving without Vevina," I say.

"Then at least sit down." He guides me over to a chair and I sit down.

"Elly, you look like you are going to be sick." Samson says.

"I'm fine." I snap. The doctors leave her room and I stand quickly. The room spins for a minute and Brad sits me down again. "How is she?" I ask quickly.

"Her wound is very deep. It doesn't seem to be healing, I don't think she will survive," he whispers. "I am so sorry." I take a deep breath and nod.

"Is she awake?"

"Yes, but I don't think she is lucid." I nods again.

"I can see her?"

"Yes, but she isn't in her right mind. She may not know who you are. We're very sorry, we pumped with as much medicine as possible, we didn't want her to be in pain when she..." He trails off, looking down.

"It's fine, I am going to see her." I stand up and Brad stand next to me. "Alone." I say quickly. He nods and sits down again.

"If you need anything just yell." I nod and walk into Vevina's room.

"Vevina," I whisper as I walk in. She turns her head slowly.

"Mom?" She asks. "Mom am I dead?" She asks. The way her eyes widen in fear makes my heart crack. She is only fifteen, to die so young is cruel.

"No, I'm-I'm Elly. And your not dead."

"My mate, is he hurt? Did you hurt him?" She asks.

"No, I didn't hurt him. He's fine."

"Where is he? I want to see him."

"He's downstairs."

"Why isn't he here with me?"

"Do you remember how you got hurt?"

"No, did I fall?" She asks. I bit my lip and look away rom her big eyes.

"Yeah, you fell down the stairs. Quite clumsy of you. Your mate is talking to the doctors."

"I'm really tired, can I see him before I fall asleep?" She asks. The innocence in her eyes pulled at my heart.

"Of course, I will go get him." I smile and stand up. Once I close the door I clench my teeth.

"Elly-" Brad says, but I cut him off.

"Where is Channing?"

"He is in the dungeon." Samson says.

"Get him out."

"Elly we can't-"

"Do it, she needs him."

A few minutes later Caden walks with Channing following.


"Not now Brad, now Vevina needs her mate." I say cutting him off. "She is going to die. She thinks she fell down the stairs, if you tell her otherwise, I will kill faster than you can say goodbye. She needs you, she needs to die in peace. Please, I am not one to beg, but give her this. She is fifteen, she has barely been outside pack territory, and she's been murdered because she loved someone. The least you can give her is a peacful sendoff."

"I will give that to her." He says lowering his head. I open the door, my dress swaying around my. The red color hides the blood on it.

"Vevina," I call. "I brought Channing." Her eyes widen when she sees him.

"How silly of me to fall down the stairs." She says a small smile working its way on her face. "I'll be okay." She says.

"I know you will." He says sitting next to her in the bed. I stay by the door, watching them.

"How old are you?" She asks him.

"I'm nineteen."



"I'm really tired, can I take a nap?"

"Of course your can." He whispers.

"Will you be here, when I wake up?"

"Always." He whispers. A few tears fall down my cheeks I wipe them away.

"Am I dying?" She asks her words slowing down and slurring together. Her eyes and closing and her head is lolling to the side. She blinks slowly, trying to stay awake.

"I'll be here when you wake up." He whispers closing his eyes. I saw a tears fall through his lashes. "I'll be here."

"Okay," she whispers and her eyes close. The monitor next to her bed lets out a loud beep and I know she is gone.


There has been so much death in these past chapters! What did you think of Vevina? What about Channing? Comment, vote and check out my other stories!

Killing My MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora