New kid

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Jack's POV

Hi. I'm a young Irish lad t'at's jus' moved from Ireland to L.A, which means, yes you guessed it, I'm gonna need t' go t' a new school. I mean, t'at's not too bad in your mind (maybe), but to a little insecure Irish boy like me, it fookin' is.
I've just turned 15, I have a rather high-pitched voice, I have ADD (I think he does anyways 😬) and green hair. I've always ha'ed t'e whole concept of school and jus' the personas of the people there.
Anyways, enough about me, le's move ont' somethin' a lil more interestin', my first day.

I arrived outside of school, I had walked there since I couldn't drive and my ma had to do work stuff, so that left me to walk. I walked into the gates and just stood, lookin' at everyone. My eyes stopped on a small group of boys in leather jackets with the words "Cool Patrol" on the back and sunglasses. One of them caught my eye though, he had red, floofy hair and was pretty muscular- *cough* *cough* I-I mean... he pretty much wore the same outfit as everyone else, just his jacket was off and in his musc- completely normal arms. It was nice to see someone with an "abnormal" colouring of hair like me, so I wouldn't feel so... embarrassed?

Mark's POV

I was just talking to my friends when one of them tapped me on the shoulder, he pointed to a kid looking at us from the gate. I hadn't seen him around so I could only guess he was new. He had a white shirt on with a black, brown and blue tie on, brown cargo shorts, white knee-high socks on and floofy green hair, must have thought it was uniform or something. As soon as I looked at him, he turned his head away, obviously embarrassed by the fact I caught him staring. He quite obviously didn't know what to do or where to go so he just waited for the bell. *DING DING DING*. And there it was, I looked at my time table and saw I had math first period, so I went inside and watched as the new boy came jogging in far behind.

Jack's POV

I jogged inside the school building and timidly asked a teacher what I was doing and where I was going. She gave me a spare timetable and told me where all the classes were. Math and language was on the top floor, English, the library and computer rooms were on the middle and science, art, food tech and cafeteria was downstairs. I had math for the first lesson so up the stairs I go! I saw hot- errm... red boy on the way and turns out, we were in the same class. I wanted to say something but my body wasn't letting me, I just knew he'd make fun of my voice or something. We got up to class and already there were bullies, throwing pieces of bunched up paper around and directly hitting me on the head. I picked it up and opened it up. It read: "hey bitch! What's yo ugly ass doin here?" I could hear them laughing and giggling. All I did was put it in the bin and forget about it, but oh! That was only the beginning. The teacher walked in and started teaching math.

<~> hey! Hope you liked the first part! This is my first proper book so stay tuned for the next chapter and sorry if it was a bit shit... but until next time. Buh-byeeee<~>

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