3 am

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As I walk into my bedroom, I notice that something was wrong. My window was open when I could of sworn it was shut. Shutting it, I slip back under my duvet which was warm and snuggly unlike my cold exterior.
I need to get more sleep, I'm so close to graduating and finally becoming an independent adult in a wide and mysterious world.

Tomorrow I would have Art first period which I couldn't wait for, I finally get to hand in my finished piece.
I suddenly feel strange, thinking I might just need some fresh water, I start heading downstairs to get a drink when I walk into someone.

I live by myself so it couldn't be my parents. Panic spreads through me as I find myself staring up at a pale face.
It's a male, he has what looks like a bloody grin stretching up to his ears.

And he is holding a knife.

I dart back into my room and put my chairs up by the door, trying to buy myself some time to get out of here.
I'm not stupid, I know who he is and I'm not going to let him kill me. Not now.
My life is just the way I want it to be now and I'm not letting him take that away.

Running for the window, I try to climb out. But he has already got through my barricade of chairs.
Pain rushes through my hand as I realise that he has just stabbed me in the hand.
The knife was a large kitchen knife with mine and others blood all over it.
I wonder who has fallen victim to this knife and how? Has there ever been anyone who has escaped his wrath? Will he ever be stopped? Or will he carry on delivering his judgement on thousands of innocents?

Snapping back into focus I yank the knife of my hand, only for him to laugh in my face.
'Oh how I pity you. You run around your pathetic lives trying to become someone. Only for you to be disappointed at the end result because you didn't make it, you would then fall into a spiral of sadness and try to escape all the pain that you have caused yourself.
I'm here to help you escape. Embrace the fact that death is nigh and how you will be at peace with yourself after death. I'll help you Ellie.'

'I don't need your help.' I say aggressively at the Psycho before me.
And with that I kick him and he looses control of me.
All I see now is my only chance of freedom. I look to the window and run towards it, managing to jump off the ledge.

So what do you guys think? I'm planning to make it into a full story with loads of surprises in it :3 Tell me what you think.

HellbentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ