chapter 12

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Harry woke the next day, feeling much calmer. Silky darkness soothed him, and he reached out to find Cherié in wolf form stretched across his legs. Gently he stroked the fur and smiled at the content he felt through their bond. Speaking of bonds, he reached out across the horcrux link to Marvolo. He was still asleep, so he pushed feelings of happiness and affection down the link, waiting for him to wake up. Amusement and happiness echoed back, and Harry smiled, getting up to dress, ready to face the day.

Voldemort woke up and smiled when he felt Harry through the link. Look at him, smiling. Harry really had fixed him. He frowned, annoyed as always when thinking about just how much he had lost his way. And his mind. He stretched, getting out of bed and dressing, before walking down the halls to the meeting room. The large converted room was dark exposed stone, with a raise platform holding a single chair, for him to sit on. A long wooden table surrounded by chairs stretched the length of the hall, and he walked past his many seated followers to the front of the hall. "Dolohov, I expect you have the report on the dementors?" Antonin nodded, standing to say his piece. It was half an hour of details, basically explaining that the Dementors were willing to work with him under certain conditions later disclosed. Bored, he raised his hand, hiding a frown when Dolohov flinched. Had he really terrified them that much? "That's enough Dolohov, good job. Be seated, we have other things to discuss." Antonin did so, wide eyed and thankful. "Lucius, Bellatrix, have you completed the plans for the attacks?" Lucius stood to talk but was interrupted by Bellatrix. "The plans have been finalised My Lord. Please...can I kill the boy?" Lucius frowned, but Marvolo's face thundered. His death Eaters leaned back, those in the outer circle even whimpering in fear. "What, about announcing Harry as my ally, did you not understand Bellatrix. Was his living here for three months not evidence enough that the boy is now within our fold?" She lowered her head, her dark nest of hair covering her face. "I'm sorry master, please forgive me!" He grimaced at her plea. She was a powerful pureblood witch, not a slave or whore. The deference, the unhealthy devotion she showed him was just wrong! How was he only now seeing this? He leaned back, nodding at Lucius to speak.

"Thank you, My Lord. The plans are set to go, and the groups have been informed of what to do, and prepared for if the order appears at the house. I took the liberty of leading the attack on Diagon myself, My Lord." Marvolo nodded, it was better that Bellatrix was kept away from Harry. Besides, her taste for blood would send a much clearer message with the muggles. The filth would pay for how they treated magical kind. For hurting Harry. "Very good Lucius, well done." Lucius blinked, surprised at the praise from him. "Thank you, My Lord." He retook his seat and fell silent. Voldemort stood, addressing the entire hall. "We will be pushing forwards our attack on the light. We have strayed from our true path, but no more! No longer shall Dumbledore twist the truth and kill the freedom of magic. No more shall the ministry persecute the powerful! No longer shall muggles poison our traditions, our ways of life! We fight for change, for a better world! The fight starts now!" His followers stood from their chairs, cheering and shouting. He retook his seat, basking in the excitement of his followers. It had been too long.

Harry slowly walked down the halls of Grimmauld Place. He'd never been here before, or at least not that he could remember, and he soaked in the dark energy amassed from generations of spell casting. It was heady, and he could understand how so many pureblood families clung to their traditions. The power in this house alone. He came up to the third floor, stretching out his magic to determine that no one else was on this floor. He released his power, shadows growing and writhing in each and every corner. Cherié solidified into a shadowy mass, a silhouette of his master, walking off to explore the house on his own. Harry walked into an empty room, bare shelves lining the walls. It had large windows, the only ones in the house, and he lay in a patch of sun that had managed to struggle through his shadows' darkness. He spread himself out between each shadow, feeling the house through them. Every creak of a floorboard, every gust of wind, every mite of dust on stone. Every part of him felt like it was being pulled in a million directions, alive and squirming. He understood how such a sensation could drive someone crazy, but he's become used to it. It was comforting. Sometimes he was tempted to just let himself be torn apart by his beloved shadows, to become a part of their swirling, inky, blackness.... Perhaps he had already gone mad, and just not noticed. He had been rather preoccupied lately. Suddenly, a magical disturbance alerted him to a presence appearing directly behind him. He started to pull the pieces of his soul back, collecting himself enough to sit up and turn to see an astonished old house elf. "Half-blood Harry Potter is being a shadow mage!" Harry pulled back the rest of himself, taking a second to become reoriented with his surroundings. He knew this house elf didn't he? "You must be Kreacher?" Sirius had mentioned the rather grumpy house elf. "I is Kreacher, yes master!" Harry raised an eyebrow, confused. "Master?"

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