chapter 16 (newest update)

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It was the day before the Hogsmeade weekend, and Harry had taken the opportunity on his free period to read by the Black Lake. He wanted to take a break from the tedious classes, his unbearable 'friends', and needed a distraction from his anticipation for tomorrow. He propped a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. It was a children's book, true, but fictional worlds had long been Harry's refuge.

Harry lost himself in the book, enjoying the watery sun on his face and the silence that comes from the absence of company. Afterall, speech is silver, silence is golden. Minutes slipped by in complete silence, save the turning of pages and the occasional faint splashes of water Remus, the giant octopus (please someone get the reference.) that dwells in the Black Lake made. That is, until Harry sat bolt upright with a gasp, staring at an illustration in the book. He reread the page again and his breath unconsciously became faster. He was almost certain this story had a grain of truth in it, and if those were real, the possibilities- he was interrupted by the arrival of the Weasel and the bushy-haired know it all. They had become so vexing and overbearing, he was tempted to hex them into the afterlife.

He was shaken from his musings of curses when Ronald put his arm around Harry's shoulder, causing Harry to grit his teeth. "So, Harry," Hermione began. Harry winced. Even her voice was annoying. "We were wondering, you've been alone lately, and we're worried. Ronald and I need to study for our exams, so we were thin-" she was cut off when Weasley blurted out, "date my sister." Hermione slapped his arm and scowled at his lack of subtlety. Harry went still, his mind racing. He scrambled for something to say, but eventually settled on repeating the question back. "Date your sister?" he asked incredulously. Ron nodded vehemently, looking uncannily like a bobblehead. "Yes. you're the boy-who-lived, you defeated the dark lord! Evil bastard..." Ron muttered.

Harry was filled with rage, but forced himself to swallow it down. A dark plan crept into his mind, and he internally grinned, carefully keeping his external expression neutral. He stood up suddenly, surprising the pathetic children on the ground. He forced a smile and told them enthusiastically, "I almost forgot! I found the last horcrux! Come on!" and with that he raced towards the castle, the other two following closely. At last he came to a stop around a corner, quickly fishing his invisibility cloak from his satchel and shrugging it on. He pressed close to the wall just as Hermione and Ron rounded the corner, winded. "Harry?" Hermione called.

Harry slowly withdrew his wand from his sleeve. "Imperio," he whispered. Immediately the bodies of his 'friends' jerked and their eyes glazed over. Harry gleefully made them walk to the railing of a staircase, watching them with macabre delight. With a flick of his wand, they both leapt from the railing, landing on the floor below them with a disturbingly satisfying crunch. Harry peered over the railing to make sure they were dead, before closing his eyes and centering himself. He took off his cloak and stashed it in his bag before running towards the great hall. He burst through the doors, a few minutes after lunch had begun. He decided to pull a Quirrell and shouted "help! M-my friends, t-they fell down the stairs! The blood...i-its bad, p-please help." And with that he let tears wash down his face before he fluttered his eyelashes and rolled his eyes in the back of his head, falling carefully to the floor.

Instant pandemonium ensued, with professors trying and failing to calm their students, the Syltherin's looking horrified but secretly relieved. They despised the Weasel and the mudblood, always attacking the younger Slytherins and calling them all "slimy snakes," and "disgusting death eaters."

Throughout the chaos, Draco made his way through the sea of panicked students until he reached Potter, and carefully dragged him out of the great hall. Once they were out Potter stood and gave Draco a grin. "Thanks Malfoy, thought I'd be trampled for a moment," he said brightly. He knew Cherie would never have let that happen, but Draco didn't need to know that. Malfoy rolled his eyes and frowned. "I didn't do it for you. Anyway, I'm going back inside. I don't want to be accused of being associated with your work." With that he stalked away. He paused with his hand on the door knob, and called out, "good job, by the way...Slytherin House thanks you." He opened the door to the great hall and walked through before Harry could reply. Harry shrugged and walked towards his dorm. He needed to brush up his occlumency shields before Dumblewhore inevitably called him to his office. not proud of this. I just want to slowly turn Harry into a badass, but I think i blundered it. Anyway, heres the updates! just a reminder this is not my story, it is adopted. Chapter 16 and onward are written by me. 

...Yeah bye.

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