Chapter Five: Biryani

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Alma's POV

Weeks passed by and as I expected, my mom still didn't give up on the two of us. And Zahid and I have met 6 times already!!

My mom even tried to be slick by making us run into them at the supermarket while we were shopping and she expects me to believe that it's a magical sign that he's meant for me, pfff as if...

But somehow in the middle of all those crazy things that my mom has been doing, something keeps making me think about him. I wonder if its actually me interested in him or it's just how I can't stand how he's such a jerk!!!

Whatever it is, I found myself praying about him, if anyone can help me it's Allah!! And that's who I went to!


Zahid's POV

" You blew off Ryan's deal??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!? Do you know what you just did!!!!" My dad hollered almost shaking the house

At this point, I can feel my vein popping out of my head again from frustration and anger

" Abba, I know what I'm doing!!! Ryan's deal was good, but there's another client I'm looking into, the deals were great but I need to wait a week until things are finalized, I know what I'm doing" I reassured him

My dad stared into my face as I shoved more pancakes into my mouth before I go to work.

" Are you seriously thinking I would believe that!!! Why can't you ever listen to me, I ran a multimillion-dollar company and you think I don't know what I'm talking about" He yelled back

I slammed my hands on the table while standing up, ready to lose my temper

" Abba would you listen to me for once, Ryan's plan might be good but his idea on the new materials is gonna fail by next year. Things aren't the same when you have business technology! They change quickly and my new client has a better idea to boost sales and create a better marketing strategy" I said while gritting my teeth

" You better! You might have made large changes to this company but it's still mine, and I won't hesitate to take it away from you! " He hollered but I just muted him as he continued his rambling.

I'm so exhausted, for the last two weeks he's been at my neck while threatening me with the company.

".... I want to see the final document by the end of this week! Do I make myself clear, and actually one more thing it's been over 2 months since you talked to Alma, she's such a beautiful girl and intelligent why can't you give your answer yet" My dad said changing the subject.

My dad wanted to end the conversation there but it was too late, my mom over heard and raced over to the kitchen and jumped with joy after hearing Alma's name.

" Zahid, is it true your ready to give your answer. Oh my baby I'm so excited she's such a sweet girl, oh and what a smart girl she is." She said as her eyes lit up

" Oh Yasir, did you eat the Biryani she made us yesterday, weren't they delicious, I still have some in the fridge " She continued to my father

" Zahid she would be so perfect for you, and she's just so Islamic" My mother was on a rampage and I know she wouldn't stop until I say yes...

My head was fuming and I couldn't take it anymore! And so I gave my answer

" Alright Yes, I'll marry Alma! Now I have to go to work" My mom looked at me with so much happiness I thought she was gonna explode meanwhile my head was filled with anger that I thought my head was gonna explode.

Ugh I know I shouldn't have said Yes like that but I literally can't take it anymore on how they were breathing down my neck.

I can't deal with this now, I can change my decision later when I get home, no big deal, I just don't want to be here right now!

I quickly gathered my things before heading to my car after grabbing the lunch my mom made for me and zoomed out of the house to work.

" Sarah, can you schedule a meeting with Erikson at 4PM today regarding the new ideas" I said calling my new secretary

I quickly hung up while burying my head into my papers trying to finish before the meeting.

I was almost done until my stomach growled with hunger for the 4th time and I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly pulled out my moms packed lunch for me as I continued to work.

Wow, holy shit this biryani tastes amazing!!! It tastes so different than how she usually makes it. I kept shoving more in as realization hit me and I knew exactly why it tasted so different.


I wanted to throw it away but it was so good that I continued to finish it all.... Its not like she'll know. I'll just keep it a secret!

I finally finished the papers for the meeting and went over to the conference room as I started the meeting.

But as much as I tried to focus, Alma kept coming into my mind no matter how much I tried to not think about her.

My day ended, yet the thoughts of her still buzzed through my mind even as I drove home.

Ugh now I feel bad for lying to my mom saying that I'll marry her though. Alma seems ok but I'm still in my prime. Why would I choose her when millions of girls are after me. I'm hot!!

I walked into the house exhausted and quickly went to the kitchen hoping I could sneakily grab more biryani before anyone notices and quickly started eating. My mind was still thinking about Alma and how I was gonna tell my mom I changed my mind but it was just too much work, I knew the marriage won't work.

Whats the worst thing that can happen its not like she can do anything to me. Alma will probably say No, and I'll be free from her!! I was so rude to her that I know that she'll instantly say No!! I thought to myself as I continued eating the biryani

At that moment the heavy footsteps of my mom echoed through my ears as I continued eating.

" Zahid is that you in the kitchen, you'll never believe what I just heard. I called Alma's mom and she said that Alma said Yes!!!!!!!!" My mom said hugging me

My eyes widened as she squealed with joy.

"Oh my goodness I can't believe my baby is gonna get married, I literally want to cry, ugh I got to calm down I'm gonna go prepare some things with your sister" she said calming herself down

" Oh and close that box of biryani, don't let them go bad! It's so good." She said as she walked away.

But I was still standing in shock, my mouth wide open as the biryani fell out of my mouth.


I'M NOT UPDATING UNTIL ATLEAST 1 PERSON COMMENTS...I'm scared no one is enjoying this book


Nazia Horan

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