A little about me

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Hiya everyone! My name is JellyBean, I chose this name to go by online because I think it's pretty fitting I'm cute, smol and gender fluid- (I wanted a gender neutral name) I may or may not have picked it because it's the nickname my partner gave me hehe but yee, Back to it here's some things to know about me. my big age is 23! The age i regress to varies a lot from 1-10ish? More commonly I regress between 2-6.

I'm not too picky on the pronouns I use but I prefer she/her or they/them unless I'm having a really masculine day and then I use he/him. There's not really anything special to know about me but I think I can be pretty cool (well I hope!)

I have been with my partner for almost a year! (I totally didn't have to ask them how long it's been pfff) Bubby has been the light of my life and I'm incredibly lucky to have them as my partner and flip.
(Eek I know that was mushy)

Big me and little me are fairly similar, we have mostly the same likes and dislikes which I will mention a few of them in a moment. I think for the most part I've been regressing for quiet a long time now, I'm not sure exactly when it first started as I've always been seen as "childish" but I think over the last 5ish years is when I really started to explore the different communities and see where I fit in and learn more about my little side.

When I'm regressed I'm typically fairly shy and I don't really let many people see that side of me but here's a few fun facts about little me. I absolutely love stuffed animals and just stuffies or plushies in general. I have two giant size teddy bears (I may add photos of them in later on) who's names are Mr teddy bear and velvet. I also have a build a bear bunny who's name is hope, I have another bunny who's actually the covering for a heat pack who I call Alister.

I have a whole bunch of stuffies in my bedroom, if I had to guess I'd say there's at least 40 of them! Another thing little me likes is fluffy and fuzzy blankets, my pacis and of course my bubby!

I also use sippy cups and bottles when I'm fully regressed, I love onesies in fact I have a purple footed onesie! I got it from Forever lazy. Its pretty comfy and keeps me warm in the winter time, ooh another thing about me is I'm from Australia!

One of my biggest dislikes wether big or little is yelling, fighting and loud mean voices. (Like when someone who knows how uncomfortable it makes you but intensionally makes their voice louder just to upset you)

Regression has helped me a lot in dealing with my mental and physical health challenges, when I'm little I'm carefree for a while I can be little and just play with my toys or even play video games and it soothes me

I'm not too sure what else to say about me but if you guys have any questions feel free to ask! I'm happy to answer any questions but please keep it SFW and no sexual questions I'm ace..

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