More about me!

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Oki so I know that I've already done this briefly but I feel like I'd be ok with going more in depth about me so here me go! I got this idea from some chat books and made my own version of it. 

Name: JellyBean.

Preferred nicknames: Jelly, Bean, Bubba, Happy bean.

Big age: 23!

Little age: This one varies a bit but I'd say 1-12. More commonly 2-5.

Gender: I'm Gender fluid/ Gender flux.

Pronouns: She/her or They/them unless I say otherwise.

Sexuality: Asexual & Pansexual.

Relationship status: Engaged.

Little personality: Little me is pretty shy but once she warms up she is extremely hyperactive and very kind, she can be a brat at times! Bubby says that I'm their bratty angel! Little me adores stuffed and plush toys/animals and will probably go on about them for hours if you let me!

Big personality: Big me tends to take on almost a older sibling role at times, I'm sassy but more often than not I'm really kind and sometimes hyperactive.. I love music and sharing photos of my interests! Big me can also be quiet and shy too. I tend to give people pet names a bit too.

Additional information: (This one is harder to fill out but here goes..)
I have a hard time with my mental health! That's one of the reasons why I regress, I also have eating disorders too. Sometimes regressing is the only way that I can function. I can be a grumpy butt at times but I don't usually yell or throw things. Me in general is a sensitive soul and often takes things to heart..

Best way to contact me: On here! If we click I'll give you my insta or snapchat.

Timezone/Location: I'm from Australia, I'm on AEST (I think.)

What I’m looking for: I'm looking to make new friends!

Can I just point out how wholesome watching a little play with their toys is! 🥺 Today I was 'Feeding.' my baby doll and I had to pause because I realised how adorable I must have looked and it was a genuinely good moment. 🥰

Okay guys so there's a bit more information about me! I'm hoping that I'll possibly make new/more friends! Can I also just point out that there's not many littles/regressors from Australia in general... 🥺🥺 I really really would love to meet more!

I know that this is going to be a fairly short update but it's been awhile since I put anything out and I really wanted to get something up!.

As always stay safe and goodnight/morning!

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