Merry Christmas everyone!!

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This is just a quick update to say Merry Christmas!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

For me Christmas isn't necessary a happy time of year but I did get some presents which in a moment I will add in a photo of the colouring book I got from my sister.

I also got new headphones, a body wash set and a new nightie. Aren't I lucky?!

Bubby will be sending me two packets of goldfishies and lots of other gifts too! I'm super duper excited for those!

I will also add in some Christmas pictures I coloured to brighten the mood.
Okie so my wifi is having technical difficulties so I can't upload any photos at the moment :( but I'll try again later on and hopefully it's working again!
Okay so the photo of my colouring book is the only photo which will load up..

********Soo that's my new colouring book! I love colouring both in and out of little space, Do you guys like to colour to? *****That's all for this update at the moment, I will try again later and see if more photos will upload! Bye for now and ta...

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Soo that's my new colouring book! I love colouring both in and out of little space, Do you guys like to colour to?
That's all for this update at the moment, I will try again later and see if more photos will upload! Bye for now and take care!

Okie so wattpad let me upload them a second ago then it screwed up so here's attempt 5 of doing this wish me luck!

It finally worked!! Eeep I'm so happy right now

Second one worked too!

Eeee it's actually working!

Okie so that's all of them for the moment I hope you guys like them!

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