2.) when it all started

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             Jason was I'm his room on the night of a full moon working out and listening to his music when he heard something, so he slowly got up and pulled out a dagger than he slowly made his way down as Scott follow behind him, Jason slowly walk outside and got ready to attack till Stiles shows himself "Damn it Stiles" Jason said and lower his dagger and look at his boyfriend who looks at Jason wide eyes " what are you doing" Jason ask and put his dagger in its place on his belt " you two weren't answering your phones" Stiles said " Stiles I already told you my phone was dying" Jason said with a sigh then shake his head. " but that doesn't explain why Scott has a bat and you have a dagger" Stiles said which made Jason raise his eyebrow " all we heard was weird sounds for all we knew it could have been someone breaking in" Jason said then he crosses his arms as Stiles starts to explain what he heard " I know I cant talk you two out of this so I am going to get my  crossbow" Jason said then he headed inside and got his stuff then he got into the jeep. 

        Once they got to the woods, the three walks into the woods only for Stiles to get caught by the police making Scott and Jason hide behind a tree as they waited while Sheriff Noah talks to his son; after they left, Jason needed up loosing Scott for a moment till he heard Scott scream making Jason follow it and start firing arrows at the thing, till it went to attack Jason which made the crossbow drop from his hands and made Jason pull out his dagger as he got bitten, and stabbed the wolf thing before it took off into the woods to lick his wounds. At the same time, Jason got up and yanked Scott up once he found him, and the two made their way out of the woods till they go home, where Jason clean his weapons and bandage his side. 

      Once morning came, Jason got ready, and head for school where he parks then got out as Scott pulled up along with Jackson behind him, "how about you watch where you park" Jason snapped with a dark glare, making the other male frown and walk off, then the two brothers walk to Stiles " I wouldn't be so sure of that after all wolves migrate it could have just been passing through " Jason said as he wraps his arm around Stiles's shoulder, after he said that Jason could see it made Stiles start to think " well that true" Stiles said then they headed into school. Which ended up not helping Jason's already bad mood, but it did seem to help when he was around Stiles. Still, now they were walking through the woods looking for Scott's inhaler " wait for what, you don't have it and didn't have an attack, " Jason asked in confusion when they finally stopped as Scott kneel to the ground. Jason inhaled and smelt something that smelled like a canine, which made him look over as Stiles got Scott attention, " my brother lost his inhaler around here," Jason said, bored, which made Derek throw something which ended up being the inhaler that Scott just so happen to catch but what the other two didn't know was that as Jason talk his weretiger eyes were showing which shock Derek but his tiger eyes show a ghostly wolf from around Derek.

     Which gave him the idea that Derek knew what they were or what was happening, as Jason blink, making his eyes go back to normal as Derek walks away " come on, you two," he said and headed out of the woods as he was thinking of what to do now. At the same time, he kept Stiles close to his side, but for some reason, he wasn't having a good feeling about the new family that moves into town. Jason frown as he drops off Scott, then he went to Stiles's house while he was thinking of what to do. At the same time, he listens to what was happening on the radio till he parks in the driveway and shut his car off as Stiles jeep pulled up as well; Jason sigh as he got out and followed Stiles inside " Stiles, I know you were joking in the woods but something happening to me, and Scott something not human" Jason said with a friend as he sat on Stiles bed.

       " What do you mean," Stiles asks to confuse " think about everything that Scott did today, then add on my temper had been extremely short today and for some reason, in the woods, my vision change for a short time, plus the bit mark is gone" he explains pulling up his shirt showing where the wound was. Still, it wasn't there anymore, " plus, Scott smelt like a canine now," Jason added and looked up as Stiles was watching Jason, who seems to so confuse and worry about what was going on with him. Jason looks up as Stiles straddle Jason lap " we will figure this out," he said as Jason frown " I think Derek could help me," he said as he licks his lips and watches Stiles, who seems to be thinking," so he smelt like a canine to" Stiles asks as Jason nodded calmly, of course, they weren't sure if he could truly help or even knew what was going on, but they both knew that if Jason was becoming something not human, then they need to figure something out since Jason could never harm an innocent person since it would probably destroy him.

       And of course, Stiles knew this as well " let's not think if this right now," Stiles said, which made Jason nodded calmly while he smiles softly while the two relax and enjoy being in the arms of the other; Jason sigh as he lay back which made Stiles lay on his chest while they listen to the radio that was playing in the corner of the room.

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