3.) Waking up in the woods

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         As the two were relaxing on Stile's bed, listening to the radio playing in the background till they fell asleep, of course, Noah and Jason's mother trust them, so this never bothers them. Once morning came, Jason woke up but he was in the woods, which shocked him, so he jumps to his feet and look around trying to figure out where he was till he saw what he did the other night when he was bit, which made him growl and watch to run after him till he heard a voice "what are you doing here" he heard Derek say which made him look over, " I have no idea, but I think you know what happening to me don't you, I saw the shocked look on your face the other day when my vision change " he said calmly and look around not seeing it anymore. " What do you mean your vision change" Derek ask calmly, " my vision turn a red tint for a short moment as I saw a ghostly version of a wolf around you while my senses have become heighten so now you and Scott smell kind of canine like" Jason said which made Derek look confuse, " I am a werewolf and I believe Scott is to but you I do believe you turn but I am not sure into what" Derek said then he start to explain what was going on, " can a human become a different Were even when it was a Werewolf that bit them" Jason ask "it is rare but it happens, so that why I am not completely sure what you are since there a long list of Were's out there" Derek said which made him nodded " I best get home but do you think you can help me, I can't hurt Stiles or anyone else" he ask and turn to head home " I can help but I can't make any promises come here after school" Derek said which made him nodded before he stop and turn "do you know why the name Argent make me feel if I need to flee or get ready for a fight" Jason ask which made Derek look up " they are back in town?"he ask to himself " they are hunters becareful" Derek added which made Jason nodded before he took off quickly.

       After he showers and change, Jason headed off to Stile's house since Scott had already taken off " where you were? I woke up. You were gone," Stiles said after he rushes out, ready for the day " I woke up in the woods where I meet Derek. He told me what was going on," Jason said, then started to explain everything " he even agrees to try and help me, but we need to be careful of the Argents because they are hunters," he added, which made Stiles frown as he listens to what Jason was saying. " We need to tell Scott when we get to school and before you go to Derek," Stiles said, which made Jason nodded, so the two headed off to school, where they had found Scott and told him everything, only for Scott to think the two where crazy. " We try but there nothing we can do till he wants help," Jason said, which made Stile's shoulders slump as he sighs since Jason was right, they couldn't help Scott till he tells them he wants help and that he believes them. Once school was over, Jason was on the way to Derek house with Stiles, who wanted to come along with him as support since there no telling what will happen; as the couple drove down the road, Jason was thinking of what was going on while he could feel Stiles hand in his, of course, Jason now was afraid that he could hurt Stiles with his newfound were abilities so he had to try and learn control quickly.

Once the couple got to Derek's home, Jason parked, then he got out with Stiles as he looks around, thinking of what was going on around them as Derek came walking out of the house " this is my boyfriend, Stiles. I hope you don't mind him being here," Jason said, which made Stiles look over" as long as he stays off to the side," Derek said as he took his jacket off and threw it over the railing. He walks down the stairs as Jason gave his coat to Stiles while he was moving forward. The training started, which wasn't easy by any means, even worse when Derek was the teacher after some broken and rehealed bones, and a whole lot of sweat, but it would be worth it once he learns complete control and harms any of those he cares for. After he was done, Jason headed home after making a schedule with Derek for their training. Still, once he was home, he took a shower as Stiles was sitting on Jason bed; once he was done, Jason walks out wearing boxers, shorts, and a shirt " what would you like to do" Jason ask calmly and look at his boyfriend " how about some movies" Stiles said and smile then he looks over " sure babe" Jason said as he hooks up his tv then he got one of Stiles favorite movies, going then he lay down with Stiles and cuddle close as the movie started up which Stiles got excided, " we have a lot going on, so we need to make sure I don't forget to spend time with you and relax" Jason said which made Stiles laugh " don't worry I won't allow that to happen let's just say I am too selfish for that to happen" Stile said which made Jason smirk as they relax as they watch the movie that was playing, Jason had a feeling that he would need to protect Stiles from Scott since he wasn't even accepting the fact that he was no longer human. Which worry Jason to no end since there no telling what could happen or the danger he could get them into since there was hunters in town now which made Jason also worry.

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