4.) first shift

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As the two were enjoying their time together, Jason could hear Scott coming in from downstairs as Stiles had taken Jason computer and start to type away and start to do some research, till Scott came in, which made Stiles jump up and start to explain to Scott about what was going on, while Jason had sat up and watched the two as his body seem to tense up and get ready for anything. Then out of no, we're Jason had jumped up with a deep growl and grab Scott and threw him away from Stiles as his eyes were glowing " back the hell off," he snarled and glared as Scott ran out of the room. Simultaneously, Jason closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax as Stiles had placed his hand on Jason's back and waited for Jason to calm down since he learns from Derek not to do anything if Jason was in a protective mood. After a couple of minutes, Jason had finally calmed down and turned to Stiles " I think we should tell our parents, and before you say anything, I think it for the best image the danger they could get into with not knowing," Jason said while Stiles bit his lip " I know you are right but can we wait a couple of days" Stiles as with a pout which made Jason chuckle " of course but what do you plan to do while I am with Derek" he asks since tonight was the full moon.

" Maybe have a movie night and do more research. I know that a lot of the stuff online could be fake or myth, but it couldn't hurt," Stiles said calmly, which made Jason nodded " alright but be careful and stay indoors. There is no telling what could happen," Jason said before they went back and lay down relaxing. After a couple of hours,s Jason had left to meet up with Derek as the moon was starting to rise but what neither knew was that Jason could take on a full-on Tiger form or a half form like them; once the full moon was at its highest they both were watching Scott since Jason wasn't feeling anything at the moment, as Scott left the other two had got to work making a plan to get Scott away from everyone by getting Alison jacket after awhile Jason could feel something, so they headed to the woods were Jason jump off a fallen log and turn into a full-body Bengal tiger. which had shock Derek, who was standing off to the side while looking at the 4ft tiger who also look shock and freak out since he was shown the half form of  a werewolf and explain how a full transformation was a rare thing to happen to any were, " ok it seems you still have your mind and that you don't answer to the full moon which is good now lets try calming down and shifting back" Derek said before explaining on how or trying to since he never took on a full on wolf shift before.

       After a couple of tryies Jason had finally figured out how to shifted back right as they heard Scott entering the woods so Jason nodded and hid knowing this was something Derek wanted to handle on his own, which he understood so he stay out of it till the hunters came which made him jump in to help till the three of them had gotten away safely which made Jason sigh as he and his brother started to walk " me and Stiles try to warn you but no you didn't wish to listen" he finally snapped as he heard the jeep that belong to his beloved boyfriend so they both look over as Stiles pick them up then drove back to the McCall house were they had all had shower and got ready for school since Stiles still had clothes mix in with Jason's, while they were driving to school he filled Stiles in about what had happen last night since Scott wanted to go alone for now so he could think while apologising to Allison even with Jason warning about how her family is a family of hunters. Of course Jason knew with the fact that his brother was bit and turn wasn't a good thing even more so since he seem to be in love with a girl who apart of a family of hunters. which wasn't a good thing for anyone which also meant that they had to be even more careful but he did plan to tell his mom about this since this wasn't something he was willing to hide from her and he did want to tell Noah who was Stiles dad but he was leaving the choose up to Stiles since it was his dad after all, but Jason thought he should know as the sheriff and his boyfriend father but if Stiles didnt want him to know then Jason would respect that even if he thought better, once they had gotten to school Jason rolled his eyes as he saw Scott acting like a lost puppy while speaking with Allison " your brothers an idoit even if he my best friend " Stiles said which made Jason laugh and shake his head as he wrap his arm around stiles shoulders "trust me i know this" he said with a sigh while he was walking with Stiles up to the school knowing he would have to at practice since Scott doesn't seem to wish to listen. 

         While the day was going by all Jason wanted to do was strangle Scott for being an idiot while also making up stupid theories that both Stiles and Jason knew wasn't real since Derek wasn't an Alpha werewolf so that meant he couldn't have change them no mater how much Scott try to make him out to be the bad guy, but what had thrown him over the edge was the locker room after practice when they found out weretigers were stronger then werewolves. But Stiles also aw first hand how dangerous they could be even if one was his boyfriend and the other was his best friend who seems to care more for Allison a person he just meant safety then his who grew up with him, which had hurted Stiles but he had Jason who would do anything if it meant keeping Stiles safe.

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