Chapter 16: Is This the End?

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A/N: I am really sorry for the delay. I have had to take on classes fully online. The last thing I want to do when I get home is stare at a computer screen. My eyes physically hurt when I get home. I do have chapters ready to type, but I'm so tired to type them up. I am so sorry for the delay in the chapters.  I do want to give you the story, but I get so tired of looking at a computer when I spend all day looking at the screen to teach and my "down hours" are spent making powerpoints for my students. I know that it sounds like a sh** excuse, but I literally come home and just want to sleep. I even have a hard time keeping up to watch my shows. \

Beyond that, Merry Christmas (I'm a "bad Catholic", lolz, I'm Pansexual) and happy holidays! Stay safe and healthy. If I have the energy, I'll post again!

Tharn was struck by the presence of not only his mom but his whole family. He sat, still holding Type's hand, a stunned expression on his face. He looked at them in surprise but couldn't move an inch. He rationally knew that he should stand and approach them, but his body refused to leave Type's side. Instead, his head dropped, and tears started to fall.

All of the room's tension dissipated as both mothers rushed to the crying young man's side. The two women draped protective arms around his shoulder. As they did this, their eyes showed an understanding glance. Tharn's mom still wanted an actual explanation for the going on, but she knew that comforting her heartbroken son was her priority.

As the rest of Tharn's family looked on, the two mothers continued to comfort the crying man.

"P'Tharn?" a small, quiet voice interrupted. She walked toward her older brother and crawled into his lap. "He will be sad if you keep crying." The room was taken aback. The innocence of a young child gave comfort to the whole room with little effort. Tharn felt his tears subside as he embraced his sister.

Any frustration or sorrow subsided. The room was still morose, but the families shared introductions before ushering Tharn to the cot to rest.As he did so, the rest of the room shared further introductions. Type's mom shared her suspicions of the two young men's suspected relationship before settling into a calm conversation.

Tharn took a much-needed rest as the families became closer. /he was aware of warmth near him as wakefulness began to protrude him. The warmth came from both his brother and sister lying on either side of him, holding him in close embrace. Waking, he pulled them closer, not realizing how badly he needed the familial comfort.

Having woken, Tharn was nervous about what would happen next. His parents were next to Type's mom, situated directly adjacent to the hospital bed. No one pushed him to talk as he gathered himself. However, there was a sense of apprehension clouding the group sitting around the young man. At this point, all understood that Tharn had a deep connection and feelings toward the patient lying in bed. Tharn's brother, Thorn, kept a supportive arm draped across his shoulders.

Once fully awake, Thorn led his brother out of the hospital room. His intention was met with resistance, but he pushed on. The older had never seen such despair in his sibling. His last broken relationship had ended badly, but never had he seen such sorrow from Tharn. Thorn could not understand what would make his brother feel this way apart from true feelings of love. They left the room, and Tharn was the first to speak.

"P'" Tharn's voice was soft, "I don't know what to do..." Tharn crumpled to the floor as his brother grabbed his waist in support. "I feel like my whole life is shattering."Thorn could only pull his brother into his embrace. He knew of Tharn's past relationships and how much rejection affected him, but this time was different. The desperation in his voice broke even Thron's heart. Rather than speaking, Thorn just pulled his brother into a tighter hold. After letting some time pass, Thorn decided to confront his brother.

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