Chapter 3: The Foundation Cracks

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A/N: So Corona Virus is a real thing. I have been stuck in my house for the past few weeks but ventured out to a PC방 in my masked glory in order to give more of the story to you all. I know that I don't have a lot of people reading yet but I am having a blast writing this story at the moment. I hope you enjoy and please have some patience, as the story will seem slightly erratic soon but for good reason. Bare with me. Nothing here is edited by an outside party... funny that an English teacher cannot find a friend to edit her writing...LOL! Additionally, I know that some people will have an issue with how fast Type seems to be facing an attraction toward Tharn, but I have my reasoning. I have read some very cool analyses of Type's character. I tend to agree with them that Type is not "gay for Tharn" only, but that he doesn't understand how he could feel like this when he went through what he did. Type needs to heal and find acceptance in himself; he hates his feelings as much as the events of his past.

The trio settled into their dinner when a woman- named Melanie, came over to the table. She had an infectious smile that matched well with her outgoing personality. The trio quickly evolved into a quartet, Tharn being the only instrumental major in the group. The remaining three were all vocal majors.

Across the room, Type was introducing Techno and Champ to the rest of the football team. Techno was struggling to keep up with the multitude of conversations occurring due to his basic English level. Champ was settling in comfortably with the group, making friends with ease.

Type was very excited about his friends' sudden arrival. Still, he did not fail to notice that one of his seniors kept staring at him. He was increasingly becoming more uncomfortable with the feeling stirring in him. He had to control his breathing, mindlessly eating his food continuously. Despite his efforts, he kept shifting uncontrollably in his seat. Type felt a sense of dread with each passing moment, unaware of the watchful eyes of his roommate.

Though engrossed in the conversation with his newfound friends, Tharn kept glancing in the direction of his visibly distressed roommate. Being so strongly attracted to him, Tharn had noticed Type's entrance to the hall immediately and kept a watchful eye on him.

"Who are you looking at Tharn?" Melanie asked. She followed his gaze toward the table in question. With a knowing glance, she whispered to Tharn, "Are you gay?"

To say the least, Tharn was startled by the question. Now, he had no problem admitting to his sexuality, but he had never been asked the question in such a blunt manner before.

"You keep looking at the soccer table," Melanie stated, scooting closer, in case he did not want to announce his identity to the whole group.

"Yeah." he said, "I came out to my family a few years back." Shane raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer, not wanting to miss his chance with the handsome Thai man. "But I was checking on my roommate and the other students from back home. They are all on the football team. Sorry, soccer team." Melanie was still skeptical and let the matter drop, for now...

Type was relieved when the team decided to head back to their dorms. Granted, they all agreed to attend the party happening later that night; he needed the respite. When he got back to his room, Typed walked into Tharn, partially undressed and a stranger in their room. He was more startled by his roommate's state of undress than the stranger.

Tharn was wearing black jeans that were fitted to every facet of his muscular legs and pulling a navy v-neck tee from his wardrobe. His muscles were taut, showing his defined abs and biceps. The music major had quite the figure. Type tried to suppress the slight desire creeping up. 'This is wrong,' he thought. Disgusted at his thoughts, he involuntarily swallowed, a slight blush creeping to his cheeks.

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