A/N: sorry for the delays

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Hello all! I have been lapse to update this story for a couple of reasons. I have had some personal issues lately and they are making writing overly emotional things difficult. Another thing is that, this story is painful.  I wrote with ease the chapters thus far, despite the content, but typing them is hard. It gets really emotional. I find myself halfway through typing the chapter and then I have to pull away. 

I want you to enjoy the story, regardless of the drama, so I need to take the next two chapters slowly. I have up to chapter 18 written, but as I stated, typing it out is hard. I should get another chapter out sometime this week. I am about halfway through typing chapter 16. 

I am very thankful for all of my readers and I want to give you quality content. That said, if someone is open to beta-ing for this story and my other, I would love an outreach. I edit on my own, but I know I miss a lot. 

Thank you for all of the support!!!!!

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