Chapter 4

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A sudden light hits my eyes and I groan as I try to shield myself.

My back hurts so much what the hell happened? I look at my left expecting to see Zayan but its just me then it hits me... the fight. He took the couch didn't why was he so stubborn .Did I tell him sleep on the couch? but noooooo he just thought I would want him... why does he not think? Are all men that stupid? I bet his back hurts from that God awful futon. Serves him right.

Wait a damn minute wasn't I on the floor. How am I on the bed? I probably don't remember getting into bed. That's sounds about right cuz I don't seem to remember anything lately.

I manage to get out of the bed and check myselfI brush my teeth and take a bath. As soon as I'm done I dry myself and put on a sweatpants and I debate if I should wear zayan's hoodie I mean I want him to know I'm mad at him and I also want to show him that I'll don't like him very much at the moment. Hell.

I just throw on MY OWN hoodie. When was the last time I wore my own clothes...? Don't even remember.

I walk out of the room expecting to see he-who-must-not-be-named(yes I just Voldemorted him) but he's not here.I do see multiple signs that he was here. I swear that man leaves a trail of filth after him.

I sigh as I start to pick up the clothes but Sadia(the maid) stops me.

"Baji ap na karay ap thak gai gi or ap ki kamar dard karay gi."

(Ma'am you don't do that you'll get tired and your back will hurt.)

I smile "Sadia kuch nahi hota tum meiray liya milkshake bana do please."

(Nothing will happen but can you go and make me a milkshake please.)

She smiles back and nods.

As I soon as I finish picking up the filth of the ground I go to the kitchen to devour my smoothie which looks sexy as hell by the way. How can a smoothie look that good?

Somethings are just beyond me.

I hear the door open I know its him. How do I know its him? I just do...So I don't look up I simply ignore him. Just sipping my sexy ass smoothie.I hear him say his salaam to Sadia.

"You're wearing your own clothes." He says sadly. I can hear him thinking that he messed up.

"Sarah I bought you food."

That gets me to look up. I look at the bag in his hands. I wonder wha- nope nope not gonna happen. I give him a bored look.

His smile falls and my heart hurts. God I hate him and love him so much.

"I got you reeses the peanut butter ones I also got lots of cocomo and those cookies you like from subway. But to balance the sweets I got flaming hot Cheetos." I can practically hear my mouth water at this point.

Nope nada you are a strong woman. You can ignore those beautiful, delicious, heavenly- wait I'm doing it again.

I got up and left for my room. Look you are strong food ain't got nothing on you and on that very moment my stomach rumbles. I glare at it. Whose side you on?

Okay what if I just take the food and I don't talk to him.

But that way he'll know that his plan worked... can't do that. I go to my room close the door and slump on the bed. My head hurts from all that thinking.

I pick up my phone and I see the picture of me, my mom and my dad. I was 3 in that picture. My dad has an arm around my mama's waist and I was on the tree above them slinging like a monkey. Mama was worried that I would fall. But me and baba were smiling so hard.

I was always baba's 'chota bandar' (little monkey)

God I miss them. I miss them so much. I feel myself starting to tear up.

"Sarah ... " the door opens its Zayan he's in a dress shirt and his office pants.

He looks at me and stops dead in his tracks. "Sarah." He says sadly.

I shake my head. Basically telling him not to come near me which is the opposite of what I wanted.

"What do you want?"

He sighs "I'm going to the office I'll be back late. Are you going to be ok?"

I nod.

He looks at me tired. "I love you" I wanted nothing to do more then hug him and cry in his arms. I was even willing to forget the whole Roha fiasco but something was stopping me.

So I nodded again.

He nods. "Zayan!"

He look back and I just whisper "close the door please."

He gives me a forced smile an closes the door. I roll in my blanket and cry silently.

My eyes open. And I feel hungry oh so hungry. I check my phone it's 3 in the morning. God really? I slept all day? My stomach grumbles again but louder this time. I get it you're hungry shut up!

I get up from bed and I sneak into to the kitchen I see a lump on the futon I took a wild guess that was Zayan. As soon as I reached the kitchen I saw a bad creamy goodness waiting for me. I stretched my hand out. Than I thought should I? should I really?

Then my stomach grumbles really loudly basically saying 'just eat the damn food I'm dying here'

Then I was like a fuck it...

I dove in and grabbed the first thing I could touch which was wait for it... THE COOKIESSS

I rub my hands and whisper "come to mama."

That's when the lights went on.


"Sarah?" I hear a raspy voice.

"He won't see you This is just a dream" I whisper to myself.

"Sarah what are yo-"

He stops right in front of me. I look up and I see he has a smile on his face a smile that is too big for his face.


I get up and rush out... I run as fast as a pregnant woman can run. Then I realize I forgot the damn food. OH fuck to which my stomach reply's 'oh fuck indeed'.

I rush back in the kitchen and grab the food and rush out just like the ninja I am. I hear a loud laugh. I rush my room and close the door. I can still hear him laugh. It's the 'my stomach hurts' kind of laugh.

I wrap myself with the blanket and much on my cookies thinking what the hell is wrong with me?


SONG OF THE DAY: deathbed 

This song is so Sad yet Mood.

Question :What book is the reason you started reading?

Mine is probably ...Well series of unfortunate events

And that's it for chapter 4 I hope you all like it. Please don't forget to vote and comment about what you think.


All I needNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ