Chapter 5

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I stare at the ceiling at 10 in the morning ... well I think its 10 right? I couldn't sleep after last night. God I adore that woman and her unstable need for junk food. I grab my phone from under the futon and I was wrong its 11:37. Wait 11:37 why isn't Sarah up yet?

Bet she's still asleep not giving a damn about the world. I sigh as I kick my feet of the futon and I walk to the bedroom. I open the door to see sarah Cuddled in the corner or the bed, her hair sticking up like a mad scientist or like she just had been electrocuted. She was knocked out ...cold. I smile as I walk up to her I shake her a bit She doesn't move.

"Sarah wake up. You need to eat your breakfast then your meds."

She just groans.

I touch her forehead she's burning up ... shit shit SHIT.

"Sarah come on your burning up. I-"

Think You dumb shit what would Mama do? 'She wouldn't be there to notice for starters' a voice in my head sneers.

Not the time ... think. Think you bastard ... run a bath.


"I'll run you a bath. You go and take a bath than I'll get you something to eat and after that we'll go to the doctors. Ok."

"No I don't want to." She whines.

"Sarah please. For me do it for me please."

She sniffs a bit. I'll take that as a yes. I go to the bathroom and run the bath I make sure it's not too hot or too cold either. I pick her up from the bed I undress her and place her in the bath.

"Are you going to be okay?" I ask gently as I tuck her hair behind her ear not wanting to leave her by herself "I just need to make you something to eat. Okay?"

She gives me a helpless look "I don't feel like eating."

I frown "just a little bit? Please."

She nods "Only a little."

I kiss her forehead and mutter promise.

I rush to the kitchen I put milk on the stove cause Sarah likes her milk heated on the stove rather than microwaved. How does she know the difference? I don't know but she does so I'm going to it like that.

I make her a boiled egg sliced on a toast with mayo along with the milk. I go to the bathroom and She sees me so she gets up to eat. She eats like 3 bites than stops and she drinks like half the milk. And she looks like she wants to vomit I take her to the bathroom and rush her to the toilet. She vomits everything from right now and a bit of last night. She sobbing now.

"shshhh its okay." I try to say soothingly. "lets get you to the doctors huh?"

She just sobs and hiccups. I change her into a loose hoodie and some loose sweatpants. I get her into some shoes and then we are on the way.

I call a doctor who is a family friend on the way who said she'll meet us there. I get Sarah checked in.

"Zayan Shafeeq?" the receptionist asked.


"Dr. Sadia is waiting."

I take Sarah in who has stopped crying but till is very hot. "A.O.A zayan how are you?" Sadia auntie, Sarah mother's friend asked.

"I'm okay but Sarah here, Not so well."

"Let's have look shall we? But Zayan can you wait outside please."

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