Chapter 13

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"Liv, are you okay?" I ask frantically.

She looks at me and answers after a few seconds: "Uhm, yeah, I'm sorry that I left without you, I really am." Her voice confirms that she's been crying this whole time.

"Don't worry about it, it's okay – "

"No, no it's not. What was you thinking? Why would you leave her there? What if I hadn't followed her? God knows what would have happened to her." Zack says.

"I know, I said I'm sorry, I didn't think – "She quietly says before Zack interrupt her, again.

"That's exactly what the problem, you didn't think."

"Zack, she said she's sorry. Besides, what happens between the two of them is none of your business."

"Yes, it is."

"How is it that then?"

"Maybe you've missed it but Liv here, is my stepsister."

"You're not acting like her stepbrother though."

"Who do you think you are to say that to me?"

"Just telling the truth."

Before either of them can reply, I say: "Zack, could you follow me to the car, I forgot my phone there, it's dark and I don't want to get raped or kidnapped or something."

"Sure" he says.


When Zack and Em disappears from our sight, I say: "Stay here, come in, do whatever you please, I don't care" and walk to the bathroom to wash my face.

When I'm done, I walk out of the bathroom and lay on my bed, I almost forgot that he was here, Lucas I believe his name is.

"Thank you for defending me" I finally say.

"Defending you?" He almost laughs, "I wasn't defending you, Zack's my best mate but sometimes he can be too much, and I was on the mood to argue."


"No offence but you kind of deserved what he said."

"Non taken" I quietly say. If I hasn't cried for 2 hours straight, I would start an argument, but I've got no energy at all.

"Actually, you're a real asshole for leaving your best friend there, all alone"

"I think I got it, thank you" I say, still energy less.

"You're not getting angry?"

"Yes, I'm getting angry, I just don't have the power to argue."

"What if I call you a stuck-up bitch?" he says and if he wouldn't smile, I would've thought that he was serious.

"Not funny" I half smile.

After a few minutes of silence, he says: "Why are you being so harsh on her?"

"On Em?"

"No, your mum." He had a British accent this whole time?

"You can't be serious" I let out a laugh that comes out more like a cough than an actual laugh.

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