Chapter 15

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He looks away and then says "Yes"

"Do it then, look me in the eyes and do it!" I scream and a boy walking by stops and looks at me with a weird look in his eyes for a few seconds and then keeps walking.

"What's the point, it doesn't matter, you know that I don't like either of you, it doesn't mean I have any hard feelings toward you" Zack says.

"Oh, okay, I don't like you or Luke either, so I guess we're even then"

"His name is Lucas"

"But seriously, am I clear?" I say after a few seconds of awkward silence.

"About Liv?"


"No" He has the audacity to say.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me"

"No, I don't think I heard you right"

"Fine, I'll try, but I can't promise you anything" He says and begins to walk towards the dorms, and I just lean against his car.

I don't get it, why is he being so harsh on her? She hasn't done anything; everything is Claire's fault and I hope that Zack realizes it anytime soon, Liv doesn't deserve any of this, and if Zack makes her cry ONE more time, he's going to wish he was never born.

I begin to walk to get to the dorms when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see a long woman with long brown hair and hazel brown eyes. She has her hair up in a ponytail and she is wearing a police uniform.

"Uhm, can I help you?" I ask her.

"Actually yes, I'm looking for a boy, his name is Alexander O'Brien and I need to find him" The police officer says.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I don't know someone named Alexander." I say and try to walk away when she grabs a hold of my arm.

"Are you sure, he looks like this." She says and takes out a photo.

Wait... He seems familiar...That boy...the one that slowed down when I screamed at Zack...It's him!

"Do you recognize him now?" She asks.

"He...He just passed by?" I say confused and then continue "Why are you looking for him?"

"My name is Amy Williams and I'm working as a police officer and as I said; I'm looking for Alexander O'Brien, and I'm sorry but I can't tell you more than that."

"Uhm, yes you can, I have every right in the world to know why you're looking for him."

"No, you don't?"

"Yes, I do."

"Oh really? How is it that?" She smiles, I kind of like her.

I think for a few seconds before I answer "Because...I feel threatened..." Threatened? Really Emily?

"And how come you feel threatened?" She says with crossed arms, still smiling.

"Well, I was standing right here and was arguing with my...uhm friend... and then he just stopped and looked me in the eyes, no, he seriously looked into my soul and then kept walking, it was really uncomfortable and his gaze sent a shiver down my spine, the look he gave me was really cold so yes, I think I have the right to know why you're looking for him."

The smile on her face is suddenly replaced with... worry?

"What is it?" I ask.

"Uhm... I...Uhm...what did you say your name is?"

"I didn't...?" What is happening?

"Can you please just give me your name?" She sounds overstrained, what the fuck is happening?

"Not until you tell me what's happening!"

"You know that I'm a police officer, right?"

"I do, but I have no obligation to say my name unless I am accused of a crime, which I'm not in this case." I'm starting to get scared.

"Okay, fine! Alexander is looking for a girl named Emily Adams because he recently found out that she's his sister. Happy?"

And it was at this moment my heart stopped beating for a few seconds and I fell to the ground and felt pain I've never felt before, before everything became black.

This is a longer chapter than the last one, as promised 😉
It was actually going to be longer but then I realized that it was better if I stopped writing here so you can guess what's going to happen next!
Thanks to everyone who's reading my book, I really appreciate it!
I know it's just a little more than a hundred reads but it's still more than I've thought I'd get when I started writing this book. Thanks to all of you! Love you!❤️

Xoxo 💋

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