Chapter 32

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Jennie's POV

When I was done cooking. I served the food. Yoo Jung sat down at her seat

Yoo Jung: That smells good

Jennie: *smiles* I'll just call Tae. You can start eating if you want

She nodded. I went upstairs and knocked on his door

Jennie: Tae, lunch is already waiting for you!

V: I'm not hungry, Jen!

Jennie: You are!

V: I'm not!

Jennie: Even if you're not hungry you still need to eat!

V: Jen, I said, no!!

Jennie: Fine but don't you dare blame me if you stave yourself to death!

I went back to the dining room and started eating

Yoo Jung: Unnie, can you please tell me what's his problem?

Jennie: Tae is keeping a secret from you. He does not want to tell you because he does not want to hurt you. Your older brother loves you dearly to the point that he doesn't want to see you cry. You're lucky to have a loving brother like him

Yoo Jung: *nods* You're right unnie he really loves me and of course I also love him. I hope you're going to be my sister-in-law in the future

I let out a nervous chuckle and we continued eating. When we're done eating I prepared Tae's food

Yoo Jung: Jennie unnie, I will do the dishes

I nodded. I took Tae's food and went upstairs. I knocked on his door

V: Jen?

Jennie: If you don't want me to destroy this door, you better just open it

He opened the door

Jennie: You look like rudolph with that red nose

I said as I enter his room. I put his food at his side table

V: Kamsa

I look at him and he's still crying. I went towards him and wiped his tears. He hugged me tightly. I patted his back multiple times

V: Should I tell them?

Jennie: *nods* They will be hurt more if you continue keeping it to them, but now all you have to do is eat, okay?

He nodded and we let go of each other. We sat on his bed and I gave him his food

V: Are you the one who cooked?

V: Are you the one who cooked?

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Jennie: Yeah, why?

V: I seriously don't want to eat but since you cooked it, I'll eat

I smiled and he started eating. After eating he cupped my cheeks

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