Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

After comforting me we're all just sitting here in Lisa's living room. It hurts, my heart is really broken

Jungkook: Guys, let's drink

All of them looked at me

Rosè: We can drink water, juice, or soft drinks but not alcohol

Jungkook: Why not?

J-hope: Are you crazy? We're all still not allowed to drink

Jimin: If you want to drink, drink by yourself, don't include us

J-hope: Jimin!

Jungkook: Guys c'mon, it's not like we're going somewhere

Lisa: But Jungkook-

Jungkook: Guys pleaseee *pouts and puppy eyes*

All except Jungkook: NO

Jungkook: *whines* Can we drink on Saturday instead? Pleaseee please please please

They all looked at each other

Jungkook: What if I die next week will you guys agree or not?

Lisa: *smacks Jungkook's head* Don't think like that!

Jungkook: Yes or no? Will you guys drink with me? Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

They looked at each other again

Jungkook: Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

J-hope: FINE, I'll drink with you

Jungkook: Yes! How about you guys? Please please please please please please please please please please please please

Lisa: I'll ask my parents

Jungkook: That's acceptable, how about the two of you? Please please please please please

Jimin: If Rosè go then I'll go

Rosè: I'll think about it

Jungkook: Please just go, for me

J-hope: I'll go

Lisa: It's my parent's decision

Jimin: It's Rosè's decision

Rosè: It depends

I nodded

Lisa: *pats Jk's back* There are many ways to move on, you don't need to be miserable or drunk

J-hope: *nods* Instead of being miserable be happy, you'll not die just because you are broken hearted

Jimin: Me, I'm ready to be heart broken as long as the person I love is happy *looks at Rosè*

Rosè: Uhmm I think you should stop, I don't like you and I will never do

All except JiRose: Ohhhhhh

Lisa: Don't worry Jimin-ssi one of our best friend likes you

Jimin: Jinja?! Who?

Rosè: You're really a playboy *rolls her eyes* earlier you said that I was the one you like, then when Lisa said that our best friend likes you, you got excited

Jimin: Babe, don't be jealous, I'm just curious

Rosè: Babe?

Jimin: What?

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