Chapter 18

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Jisoo's POV

Irene unnie visited me and we're now in the living room, just talking. Our maid went to her province cause her son is sick. My parents are at work

Irene: Why do you still not want to break up with Suho? He's cheating on you

Jisoo: Not until I found out who's the girl

Irene: And what will you do with the girl?

Jisoo: IDK maybe slap her for a hundred times

Irene: *nods* She deserves that. I'll just go to the restroom

I nodded. After some seconds her phone rang. An unknown number is calling her. At first I hesitated to answer but ended up answering it

???: [Baechu, thank goodness you answered. I miss you already]

What did I just heard?!?!?! That is Suho's voice!!! Does this mean that Suho is cheating on me with Irene unnie?!?! Why?! My eyes became teary

Suho: [Baechu, I said I miss you. Can we please meet later? Please]

It is Suho! How dare he cheat on me with my sister?!?! I wiped my uncontrollable tears

Suho: [Baechu! Baechu! Baechu! Babe! Baby! Love! Jagi! Jagiya! Irene! Bae Joohyun!]

Jisoo: Kim Junmyeon

Suho: [Uhmm who's this? Jisoo?!]

Irene: Soo? What are you doing with my phone?

I put it on speaker and turned to Irene unnie's direction

Irene: Why are you crying?

Suho: [Jisoo, it's not what it looks like. I can explain]

Irene unnie's eyes widened and my heart shattered into million of pieces

Irene: Soo, let us explain first-

Jisoo: No! I'm not stupid to believe your fucking excuses! Irene unnie, I trusted you! You are a sister to me! How can you do this to me?!?! You are pretending that you don't know who the girl is but it's you! How can you do this to me?!?! How can you do this to me?!?! *cries even more*

I ended the call and cried harder. Bae Joohyun went towards me

Irene: *cries* Soo, I'm so sorry

Jisoo: *slaps Irene* Sorry?! What can your sorry do?! *slaps Irene* What?! Of all the men you can flirt with, why Suho?! Why my boyfriend?! *slaps Irene* Answer me! Why my boyfriend?! *slaps Irene* Why my boyfriend?! *slaps Irene* Why my boyfriend?!!!!

I cried harder. It hurts so so so so so so so so so so so so much. Her cheeks are now red but I don't care. That is nothing compared to what she did to me

Irene: I just want love! I just want to love and to be love! Is that a mistake!

I slap her harder making her fall to the ground

Jisoo: Bae Joohyun, remember this, it is not a sin to love but I hope before you love someone you should think first! Think if you are going to hurt someone just because of that love! And if anyone is going to be hurt because of that love, do not continue! Because you hurt me so so so much! I hope you don't do this to others! Now get out of my house! I hate flirtatious people like you! Get out of my house! Get out of my life! Will you come out voluntarily or do you want me to drag you out?! Get out!!!

She stood up, took her things and went out of the house. I shouted so loud. My knees weakened and I sat down at the carpet. Why?! Why is this happening to me?! I cried my heart out

Jisoo: Bae Joohyun!!! Why?!?!?!?!

I cried harder and harder. My phone rang and I answered it. I know it's the worst thing to do right now, I don't even know who called

Jisoo: Yeoboseyo?

I said while crying

???: [Are you crying? What happened?! Is everything okay?]

Instead of answering Seokjin I just cried

Jin: [I'm on my way]

He ended the call and I continued crying. I started remembering how he asked me to be his girlfriend, our first date, and our first, second, third, fourth, and fifth monthsary. That memories made me cry harder. Our sixth monthsary is next week but everything ended up like this. After some mins of more crying…

Jin: Why is the gate opened? Jisoo, what happened?

I looked at him. I stood up and hugged him tightly. He hugged me and I cried in his chest. He patted my head

Jin: Shhh, I'm already here. Stop crying. Shhh

We both sit down on the couch. I continued crying in his arms while he is caressing my back. After some minutes I calmed down. He let go of me

Jin: I'll just get you some water

I nodded. He went to the kitchen and after a minute he went back with a glass of water

Jin: *hands Jisoo the water* Here, drink

I drank and he sat beside me. I put the glass in the table after I drank. I'm still panting

Jisoo: Suho *sighs* Suho cheated on me with Bae Joohyun

Jin: What?! Bae Joohyun? You mean Irene noon?!

I looked at him and nodded

Jin: How can she do that?

Jisoo: That's also my question. *looks at Jin* Of all the girls that
he can cheat with, why Irene-ssi? Why my sister?

Tears escaped my eyes. He wiped it and put me in his arms again

Jin: If this is a battle, you won. You have lost the swindlers and liars in your life. They have lost someone who can love them wholeheartedly. Congratulations

Jisoo: *smiles* Kamsa, thank you for making me smile in the middle of my sorrow

Jin: I think it's my duty to make you smile whenever you are sad

I smiled again. He's still hugging me and to be honest I feel comfortable and safe in his arms. My smile faded when a cheater came inside my house

Suho: Jisoo, let's talk. Who are you and why are you hugging my girlfriend?

To be Continued
What will happen between
Jin, Jisoo, and Suho?
You'll see in the next episode
Love lots
-Author G

Follow: Myra7008

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