35 ~ Metal Heart

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System repair: completed

System Rebooting...

System alert: Downloading ERROR system damage

Chip H download incomplete

You slowly opened your eyes and you were immediately confused, you realized you were in a glass container and there were many computer screens surrounding you

You pushed the glass opening it as you walked out of the small tube and you moved towards the large computer screens hearing a loud voice

"The arrest of seoulco robotics co owner occurred five months ago" the voice from the screen continued to talk while you looked around the large room seeing a door

You walked towards the door and you gently pushed it open. You were suddenly in a living room and you could see a large window. You moved towards the window and you pushed it open seeing large grassy fields as a soft breeze hit your face and you thought

Who were you...why were you here

You soon heard the sound of the front door opening and you heard a small voice that brought you way from your thoughts "Y/N"

You looked behind you to see a small human run up to you. She held onto your legs while another woman stood behind her at the door, maybe her mother.

"who are yo-" but you were cut off when you watched as more people came in through the front door of the lager house and they all seemed to freeze when they saw you standing there

Their heart beats were rapid...did they need medical attention

"y/n" you looked up

IHAH, that was your name

"my name is-" but you stopped when you noticed the human looking at you...he looked so familiar

why couldn't you remember him

you wanted to remember him

Rebooting continued: Chip H accessed

System shut down

Chip H downloading...

Then your vision faded and you heard shouts while you shut down as you fell to the ground

You sat quietly on the couch beside your mother and father while namjoon was already sleeping. Soon you were going to be rebooted, then you could 'grow' and live with your family but you couldn't help but feel scared

"why was I called IHAH before" you asked and your mother looked at you with a soft smile

"IHAH means 'I Have A Heart' so when you introduced yourself everyone would know that you have a heart just like everyone else. That was why we named you IHAH" your mother spoke while watched as your father gently held out a small chip in his hands

"and this is the H chip, or Heart chip. This is where you memories will be kept and it's where your system will be kept"

You paused as you stared up at the two humans realizing "my H.E.A.R.T system...my heart" you said softly while they both smiled

"yes y/n, you're metal heart"

You smiled up at her as tears fell down your face "I have a heart" you said softly and your parents smiled at you

Chip H downloading...

Chip H: Successfully downloaded

System reboot complete: Power on

"why isn't she waking up are you sure you fixed her properly" a familiar voice spoke

"I fixed everything, she is the exact same as my parents built her. It's just that earlier I noticed her H chip was not downloading so her system was rebooted again...which means the H chip could download properly or she might not remember everything" the voice spoke out sounding worried

You opened your eyes and you noticed the large group of people surrounding you. You slowly stood up as you heard a familiar voice "y/n, are you alright"

You looked at the male with a cold expression "that is not my name" you replied as he stared at you with a heartbroken expression, but soon you spoke "my name is 'stupid robot' I believe" you then smiled brightly and jungkooks eyes widened

"Y/N, I thought you wouldn't remember me" jungkook yelled in happiness and you smiled as jungkook reached out and he hugged you tightly

Soon hoseok crushed you in a hug while taehyung did the same. Then jaemin was being held back by renjun and jeno who happily smiled at you

You also noticed jin and yoongi staring at you

"I'm glad you're okay y/n" namjoon hugged you and when you pulled away from the hug you could see namjoons bright smile. Then chaemi quickly hugged your legs, you lifted her in your arms as she happily laughed

"I can't believe I managed to repair everything, I'm glad your H chip downloaded too" namjoon laughed and you smiled while chaemi moved from your arms and happily stood beside her mother

"is namjoon experiencing happiness" you froze hearing the voice. You looked up at yoongi completely shocked

"what did you just say" you asked

"y/n, welcome IHAH model one and two" namjoon said as yoongi and jin looked at you intensely and you began smiling 

"this is happiness" you said as you smiled and the two robots simply looked at you making sure to remember your expression

"I moved here outside the city so I could work on making robots like you and everyone always comes out to visit, well jungkook doesn't really leave since he was waiting for you to reboot" namjoon laughed while jungkook blushed 

"I also made the H chip but unfortunately they don't seem to function properly yet. I couldn't find any more rare metals like yours so they won't age like you. I think they are still learning new emotions too so-" namjoon was cut off when you felt someone hug you

 "y/n I though you would never wake up" jaemin spoke but soon jungkook pulled jaemin away from you

"get away you coffee addict" jungkook grumbled out and you did something you hadn't done before, you laughed

You laughed brightly as everyone stared at you in shock and you grabbed jungkooks hand "calm down, you don't need to be angry jungkook"

Jungkook smiled while he spoke "welcome home y/n" then he gently leaned forwards and he kissed you

System H.E.A.R.T: complete

Suddenly you felt it, a rapid heart beat

Your parents...they truly gave you a heart. You pulled away from the kiss and soon jin spoke "there seems to be an increased heart rate from jungkook" and you noticed jungkook blushed "s-shut up"

"and y/n" yoongi added while everyone froze

Jungkooks eyes widened while you gently raised his hand and brought it to your chest as jungkook seemed shocked when he could feel the rapid heart beat "w-what" 

"my metal heart belongs to you, jungkook" you smiled brightly and jungkook blushed but he softly spoke out "I finally get to say, I love you y/n"

Then jungkook leaned forwards and kissed you again while you felt your metal heart beating loudly. Jungkook pulled away from the kiss and you smiled brightly as you spoke "I love you too jungkook"





Thank you for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed the book! 💖💖💖

Metal Heart | bts Jungkook x readerWhere stories live. Discover now