17 ~ Stars

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You felt the human gently place you on the side walk, your system was still rebooting so all functions involving movement were still not working

You couldn't even speak to tell the human you were alright

The human had been walking for an hour with you on their back and it seemed like they had finally needed to rest as they sat down. All you could do was look at the human and you were surprised when you heard it...the soft sounds of the human sobbing, it seemed like they were crying

Then the human moved forwards as they sat on the cold street and you finally saw who it was...jungkook. Even though the rain was pouring you could still see the clear hurt on his face and the tears streaming down his face

Then you heard jungkooks soft voice while he spoke "I lost her on this day and now I'm losing you too. You stupid robot. I didn't think you would actually leave, and what happened to you. Why are you all beat up and why does it hurt me to see you like this. This is all my fault, its always my fault" 

System external reboot complete: movement restored - repair injured hand immediately for full function

You slowly sat up and jungkook was still facing away from you as he sat on the street. He looked exhausted. 

You had never realized that jungkook secretly blamed himself for his mothers death...maybe he hated robots because he needed to hate something else so he could live with the pain in his heart

"I'm sorry...y/n" that was the first time he used your name, your real name. You watched as he sobbed and you found yourself moving, you wanted him to know you were there and you heard him

Jungkook jumped in surprise while you softly hugged him

"jungkook your mothers death was not your fault...so please do not cry anymore" you felt jungkook look at you with a pained expression as he hugged you back "s-stupid robot" he said but you knew for once there was not hate in his words

Soon jungkook seemed to calm down and you spoke "jungkook you need to change clothes you will get sick"

Then you felt an unknown emotion as jungkook...he smiled at you

"alright, let's go home" jungkook chuckled out while you still admired the smile on his face as he got up and he held out his hand to you


You gently took his hand with your uninjured one and you got up from the ground as you both walked back to the apartment that you could now call home

"do you need to shower or anything" jungkook asked while you sat on the couch in new clothes.

"no, my body cleans itself" you said simply and jungkook scrunched his eyebrows trying to comprehend how that worked

"well alright then" he mumbled out and he sat next to you on the couch

"I'm really sorry about telling you to leave. It's just ever since my mom died I found it hard to talk with my dad, he was the one who wrote to me about her...." but then jungkook stopped talking almost looking angry

"jungkook, you know you may talk about her. You can miss her too" your voice was cold like normal but as jungkook look at you with a gentle smile while tears streamed down his face you froze

You know this expression, from your chip. From...your memories.

Tears of happiness

You felt your own happiness grow seeing jungkook smile and you also felt happy remembering the last time you saw that type of expression, with your family.

"yeah...yeah you're right" jungkook smiled with teary eyes while you looked at him with your usual stoic expression but you felt overwhelmed with happiness seeing him smile so brightly

Unknown system attempting to be unlocked: ERROR
To unlock unknown system Chip H must be fully functional

You found yourself thinking about the chip but you were brought away from your thoughts when you saw jungkook was holding something out to you

"I saw your necklace was broken where I found you. It's just an old necklace I had lying around. I just feel bad about yelling at you" jungkook said holding out a necklace with a small heart

You gently took the necklace as you felt warm "thank you" jungkook smiled while he quickly spoke "I have something else"

Then jungkook got up and he seemed to be getting something. You furrowed your eyebrows watching as he came back with a small box in his hands. 

You had used your system search and realized it was a small device which projected stars. You wondered why he was trying to set up the model but he had been spending about thirty minuets trying to set up the small device.

You still didn't know why he was trying so hard.

You watched him struggle and finally took the small device for his hand "I can do it" you said simply and with a few clicks and movements the power was turned on as the device loaded

Jungkook glared at you as you placed the device on the ground but this time the look in his eyes was different, it was almost playful

"I have seen the stars plenty of times. What is the difference" you asked wondering and jungkook laughed and leaned on the floor once gain as he laid down and you followed

"my mom always used to show this to me, it always made me happier for some reason...I thought you would like it" jungkook spoke with a small smile and you found yourself feeling warm again

You wondered what the unknown emotion you felt was as jungkook smiled. However, you were brought away from your thoughts when the living room was suddenly filled with bright stars that looked like they were floating around you

"it's beautiful" you spoke out and jungkook smiled softly as you both looked at the bright stars

Metal Heart | bts Jungkook x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora