Back Story: how i came to publish this book..

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Ok so before I start this book I just wanted to make sure of some things..
~I'm not an experienced writer, in fact I'm quite the opposite cuz this is the first time so I'm a beginner...
~Plz do not go bullyin me if you do not like my kind of content, if you do not like it then plz leave as I cannot satisfy everyone..
~I hope I stay committed to completing this book but I'm not sure if I'll complete it because all of this is unplanned..
On top of that, I tend to move on after I find something borin as I'm quite impatient so let's hope that I don't let my bad habit get in the way...
~There are definitely gonna be times where I won't be able to write because of exams, house matters (having 3 three brothers as well as being a south-Asian, life can be quite hectic as well as the daily drama that comes with it😅)...Except from that, I'd either be sleeping or watching Netflix✌️😅soooo yh..
~I'm not the best in English nor is it my fave subject as I kinda suck in it😂 but, I still wanted to do this as I do like psychology and sociology as well as delving deep and finding the truth..So basically I'm a truth-seeker who's into mysteries; hence, the motivational quotes 'book' as it's learning about yourself and the mysteries of the world...Ooohhh MystErIoUsSSsss..maybe not but yh...
~I'm open to feedback, so if I've made a grammatical mistake or there's something you think I could improve on, then feel free to tell me..👌I believe that's the way I could improve as I'm definitely going to be making a lot of mistakes especially including this being my first book❤️❤️❤️

Oh yh I forgot to tell u the back story of how I managed to even get to the level of writing a book...welll, I kinda wanted to motivate people to the best of their ability and because it feels great to see a genuine smile on someone's face...(don't get it the wrong way..I'm not a creep..I just want the best for everyone🤡😊).
There are many reasons why I wanted to create this book:
1)(I've already stated the first reason above this..Ooops😂)
2)I felt inspired after I saw one of my teacher (she's not exactly my teacher but she helps the person that sits next to me) design  pages of quotes
3)My best friend Maz7865 encouraged me to write this book...Anyways, plz check her book out it's called "Spellbinders: the first witch"...😘😘She's talented at writing and all those literature thingz soo yh..
She underestimates herself so let's show her that she's amazing..🤩🤪🥳
4) I wanted to connect with people that are like me (just kinda show that you're not alone) so we'll always have someone besides us when the going gets tough...(yh I do go rly deep at times but that's what this book is all about)..I mean you attract people that are like you unless you are being fake so I want attract people like me via writing a book..

I might add some extra things e.g. recommendations of songs, movies, or even memes etc.. don't judge me if you don't like it... I'm going to have recommendations for my fellow desis, British gang, Korean, Japanese etc.. I'll try to add things to your preference but yh if you don't like it then you don't need to watch, hear, see it...You can help me by giving me feedback, preference etc.. (bscly u can write anything in the comments as long as it is not hurtful and unnecessary)
Unnecessary comments are just unnecessary and useless..ur comments describe u as a person so plz think carefully and we writers are humans as well so we definitely have feelings too...
My style of writing is to be informal because it's comforting in a weird way so plz do not judge my extra use of emojis etc...🤫🥺

Tbh I may add some kind of short stories, facts etc.. instead of quotes from time to time but they're mostly gonna be for the same reason..(motivational, psychological, truth etc..)

Not gonna say that I'm a good writer but plz do not copy me..I mean if you like some things from this book (which I highly doubt) then u can at least be kind and ask..
So I guess that's about it..🤪😊
Vote, comment and plz send feedbacks..

Oh and, I nearly forgot, this song is bscly Kpop but plz hear it's called "Life Goes On-BTS"..the reason why I picked this song is because I think it relates a lot to the hardships we had to go to due to the pandemic and all the quarantine situation..For me, it's quite nostalgic soo yh...
Plz keep an open mind whilst listening to this song because music is about the talent, tunes, and the feels not the language...

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