Cheerful Dog

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'Once upon a time
there lived a dog that was very good at hiding his emotions.
The dog was tied beneath a shade tree.
He always wagged his tail
and acted cutely.
So he got the name, "the cheerful dog"
because he is as cheerful as springtime.

The dog always had lots of fun
with the village kids during the day.
But every night,
he'd moan and whine when no one was around.
That's because he wanted to cut off the leash
and freely run around
out in the spring field.
However, he couldn't.
And that's why he cried every night.
Every single night..

One day, the voice inside him asked the Cheerful Dog,
"Hey, why don't you just cut off the leash and run away?"

And this is what the cheerful dog said,
"I've been tied up for way too long
so I forgot how to cut myself free." '

Humans are good at hiding their emotions.
They wear a mask showing only what they want others to see.
and in the Cheerful Dog's story,
it reminds us to let go and move on while we still have time..
As long as we are not in the deep trap of our own emotions..

[If we keep on holding on to someone and/ or something that wouldn't make us any better,
we will forever be living in fear,
and regrets.
As much as you can still get off the leash,
as much as you have the chance to find the way out, do it now!]

(Do not live a life where you are trapped,
it's time to take a step and muster your courage.
It's now the time to move on and be happy!)

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