Chapter 14

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As much as I try there its only one thought swarming through my head, and of course the one thought is of none other than Ryver Webb.

It's almost four in the morning and I haven't gotten a blink of sleep yet, I forgot to take my sleeping pills and it's way to late to take them now.

I would sleep if I wasn't afraid what might consume me in my sleep.

I don't need a visit form my demons tonight.

I've concluded that I might, have possibly developed a tinny tiny, really small barely there crush on Ryver.

Am I going to act on those little feeling that somehow developed?

Absolutely not.

I don't need another heartbreak, so I can't act on these stupid little feeling.

It will go away in time, it has too.

This is one of the many reasons on why I hate being awake at this time, I always overthink every little detail, from what I ate for lunch, to an embarrassing moment that occurred over two years ago.

I still can't believe I dropped my lunch in the cafeteria during freshmen year, everyones eyes were on me.


I walk into my chemistry class on Tuesday morning, and see that Ryver isn't in class, so I take a seat, who cares if he isn't here.

Totally not me.

Today I actually put a little more thought in what I'm wearing, it's mainly because I couldn't fall asleep so was out of bed way too early, not to do something.

I found a pair of denim ripped jeans that I forgot that I owned, and paired it with a black long sleeve knit sweater, the sleeves are also a bit baggy and placed it under the jeans. Overall I think that's the only thing that came good from my sleep deprived night. But I didn't really bother with my caramel hair and just let it stay in it's wavy state where it coms down to my shoulders, after I showered

But of course Ryver eventually stutters into class over five minutes late. He takes a seat next to me, I can feel that somethings off.

So me, being a stupid nosey, and a very concerned person, decides to do something I probably shouldn't, when class ends.

"What's wrong?" I ask, damn it. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Nothing." Ryver says grabbing his bag, and begins to walk out of the classroom.

I have two options, to go and see what's going on with him, or I can ignore him, and move on with my life, it's none of my business anyways.

But I want to know what's wrong with him, everyone says nothings wrong, when something's wrong.

Listen to the part of your brain thats says to stay away. I keep replaying in my head.

What if he's dying?

Oh god no, that would horrible.

What if he'd killed someone?

What if-

Before I can overthink my next move, I rush out of the classroom door after him.

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