Christmas Carols

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Killer: .... *Would rather be drinking hot cocoa with Dream*
Horror: ZzzzzZZzzzZZZzzzZzzz...
Dust: *Happy little boi*
Dust: You ready boys?!
Killer: Yeah! *Says sarcastically*
Dust: Three, Two, One..
Dust: Oh Christmas tree! oh Christmas tree! How lovely are your branches-!
Dust: *Gets hit in the head by Killer*
Killer: You sound like a dying goose.
Dust: Oh yeah!? How would you know!?
Killer: ....
Killer: I've killed one. And it sounds like you.
Dust: I- wow. It wasn't an actual question dumbass!
Killer: ...Oh.
Dust: And like last year, you've ruined Christmas carols and scared people away.
Killer: Sorry not sorry.
Horror: *Chokes a little* Huh? Did I miss anything?
Dust: Yeah. You missed Killer ruin Christmas carols by answering my question about how he knew what a dying goose sounded like. He also scared people away.
Horror: Oh..oh...I see. Well..can we go home n-now..? I want to snuggle by the fire with Lust...
Killer: I feel ya bud, I wanna have hot cocoa with Dream.
Dust: ....
Dust: Fine, we can go home. Blue's expecting me anyways-

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