Law of the Mistletoe 💝 (Prologue)

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Today's the day!

Today my best friend forever comes home! Today...Steven Demayo Quartz Universe is coming back!

"Err....Sorry Steven-Doll, I uh couldn't think of any middle names...." Spinel talked to herself as she looked in the mirror, adjusting her pigtails & her eyelashes. But being somewhat of a narcissistic, she pointed at the mirror and had a good grin; "Ah...Swell as always~"

The gem then came out of her gem implanted room in the temple and she looked around, no one's here...Huh....But she then realized the rests of the gems were out in their little Homeworld school teaching or whatever, Spinel wasn't about that junk anyways. A hit of nostalgia sunk into the heart shaped gem as she  walked to photos that were set up on a desk near the couch : A family picture, a picture before Rose passed—Went away, and a bunch of pictures of her and Steven having fun along with the other gems.

The now saddened Spinel reflected on the good memories, man if only she can take it back. "Mmmm...Aw~, good times..." The perfectly cut gem sighed as she lifted up a picture of her and Steven as the memories just flashed through her mind.

Although the whole memory flashback stopped when....



Spinel's pigtails perked up as she cartoonishly rushed to the door. She pulled out a small mirror to see if she looked good and of course she did! This is fucking Spinel we're talking about.

The excited gem kept her cool and opened up the door to reveal none other than....








"Oh Amethyst, it's you....Ciao..." Spinel rudely told off the purple runt of a gem as she closed the door but good thing the short gem manage to prevent that. "Ugh, Spinny go back to being quirky." Amethyst teased as she walked in with a box of pizza and laid it down in the front table as she relaxed on the couch while munching down on the tasty treat.

"Mmm my bad, Amethyst I'm just REALLY excited that Steven's comin' back home to me—I mean us. Although it's gettin' pretty late, I hope he didn't get caught in traffic." Spinel whined as she crossed her arm and sat on the couch...even ignoring the pizza!? "Or maybe he's not comin' back today...." She assumed with a saddened toned as Amethyst slightly laughed, placing her hand on her low mood friend's shoulder. "Don't worry he'll be here anytime—"

The doorbell then ringed as the now happy Spinny stood up and unnecessarily pushed Amethyst out of the way to do the whole cartoony rush to the toward with a trail of dust behind.

Behind the door was...Drumroll please.....STEEVEENNN UNNIVERSEEER (A.K.A : Spinel's best friend). Spinel stood there as she looked up to the now 18 year old Steven who eh heh...Looked a tad cuter—P-Platonically of course. "Oh Ho? Steven? Didn't know you were comin' over for Christmas." The flustered and very excited pigtailed gem claimed as she like checked out Steven, under the radar though. The young man gave a questioning look, "Really? You kept calling me and sending me voice mails even during my classes." The hybrid chuckled as he walked into the temple, not realizing he was getting ogled by Spinel.

"Hi, Amethyst, how's it going?" Steven greeted as he placed down his bag of clothes while the purple gem did answer his question, it wasn't understandable since her mouth was filled with pizza.


Steven flopped on his bed, laying down and staring at the ceiling while Spinel stood there. "Ah, I'm pooped...Nothing better than Home sweet Home, right Spinel?". Spinel shrugged, "I guess sugar, wait a minute...Is that..C'mere for a bit." She demanded as the young hybrid stood up and walked over to his best gem friend.

"What is it? Is there something on my face?" He questioned but Spinel giggled, "Mmm...Nope, but there's a mistletoe up there! BAHAHAAHAHAH!" She mischievously giggled, pointing at the ceiling as Steven blushed and looked away.

He tried to lay back down on his bed but felt a strong tight for around his hand and his arm, great it was one of Spinel's unique abilities...Elasticity..; "Aw shucks, Doll, don't-cha know the law of the mistletoe? If you go under with another mate, you gotta smoochy smoochy." She teased, increasing the embarrassment.

Steven blushed as he looked away, well he couldn't chicken out...But Spinel is like family! Not like officially though uhm...."Err..Fine on the cheek though—MmMmm!"

Spinel quickly pressed her lips onto Steven's, bringing him into a deep nice passionate kiss as she even slipped in that french tongue action . The male brunette eyes widened but he can't lie, it was enjoyable as he kissed back while placing his hand on his sister figure's waist. The perfect gum gem then leaned in, pushing Steven onto his bed while being on top.

Steven then quickly broke the kiss, panting a bit; "W-Wait Spinel this is wrong isn't it? We're family after all..." he mentioned as Spinel frowned, "Mmm...Well duh but not like blood right? Besides, it's the law of the mistletoe." the over friendly gem teased, booping his nose as he had a uneasy look but sighed and chuckled softly. "My my, you're quite the kisser, Doll."

Steven blushed as he looked away, "Well party games such as spin the bottle, you learn a thing or two..."




".....You said what now?"

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