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Evan P.O.V.

Its been about six weeks since the whole little mishap on Circe’s island.  My father firing him was not something that I thought would never happen.  I haven’t really talked to my dad since.  Not that it makes a difference since he’s never around to begin with.  I’ve been going to school everything seems to be going better that were douche hasn’t been around lately.  My sister has been trying to cheer me up but, to no avail nothing has been cheering me up.

I mean seriously I lost my best friend, my confidant, my everything I never knew how much I really depended on him for the simplest things.  When I was sick with the measles he came over my house everyday to make sure that I was being taken care of.  Everyone thinks that I should just get over it.  My mom says that it will get better with time.  Ally thinks that he will come back to us in time.  I mean I’ve been trying to contact him in everyway: text message, e-mail, facebook, twitter, and even Instagram.  Everything has come back with absolutely nothing.

                I roll out of bed, and I start to get ready to go out and do my training with Nico.  Nico happens to be not only Jermaine’s ex but, also a team member for the group he’s in.  But everytime I ask him about him he changes the subject to something about my training.  I throw on my jogging pants, and sweat shirt, and head down to the family gym.  Once I get in there Nico isn’t there at all.  He walks in like 20 minutes after I do.  He’s dragging his feet like he’s been up all night. Nico is about 6’2’’ 230lbs asian with a swimmers build.  He has stormy gray eyes, and slight stubble on his chin.  He’s 21 I think idk it’s kind of hard to figure out since he’s a demon from Asia.

                “Alright kid we’re going to start with the simple stretches, then we’re going to try and do some yoga.” He states in a bored manner.  Oh great he’s gonna bend me like a damn pretzel.  I start stretching then I run laps, and start doing the punching bag.  Once we’re done. I run up to my room, and shower getting dressed to go to Jermaine’s family’s house.  My mom wants us to still go over there even though there is no reason for me to go there anymore.

                I finish getting dressed, and run down to find Jermaine’s brother’s standing in my livingroom.  “Okay this better be good.” I say bored.  “It is if you want to find your bestie.” Jamal says smugly.

Jermaine’s POV 6 weeks ago

                After being fired from being Evan’s guardian my father’s henchmen were standing there waiting for me to go into the house.  Nico being one of them.  Pfft asswipe I think to myself.  He’s just standing there with a grim look on his face.  I try to walk past them, only to be stopped by someone grabbing onto my elbow.  I look back , and its Nico I look at him and back to his hand snatching my elbow out of his grasp.  “What’s your problem Nico?” I ask looking at him bewildered.  “Your king is not happy with your progress, and being fired from the Demon’s aide.” He states simply .

“What does that have to do with anything; Besides, my father hasn’t been happy with me since I popped out of my Mother’s orifice.” I state with Venom  in my voice.

                That much has always been true; because of the fact that I took after my mom’s side of the family.  My mother was the incubus princesses who get this was disowned because she fell in love with my father.  For all of her beauty, kindness, and wisdom; my mother can be undeniably cruel.  Just ask all the people she drained of their lifeforce to further my father’s agenda to becoming the King. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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