This is insanity

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“What is going on here?” the first ball asks turning into a person, the other 3 do the same.  “Who has used that level of magic in this school?”  The second one asks.  My grandmother with her hands on her hips scowls at them.  “I appointed you idiots to lead this school; to help the new generations learn peace.  Where in the bowels of hell were you when this school was being destroyed?”  Her voice booming so loud the walls shook.  Her eyes were now a blazing red, almost the same color of her hair.  “Y-y-y-your  m-m-majesty?  What are you doing here?” The woman the first ball of light turned into questions.  “No the better question is why in the hell were you letting these to beat the living shit out of one another?” She asks more calmly.  “Umm, per their parent’s requests we let them sort it out themselves.”  The fourth person stated warily.  “Anike, and Titus let this go on?” She states in more of a question.  “That I can understand given the circumstances of their relationship.  But, this poor child damn near died” she throws her thumb over towards Zack who’s looking lost, “He probably would have; had I not intervened!!” She screams.  “I will deal with all of you in a moment.” She turns to face me the anger subsiding in her eyes, her features softening into one of a concerned parent.  She smiled sweetly at me, and Zack who had somehow stood as if he weren’t on the brink of death a moment ago.

“You two go to the rest of your classes.  Evan I’ll see you when you get home I have to speak to your mother anyway about something.  Zack I will be contacting your father tonight too.  Tell him he really doesn’t want to piss me off today.  I just might send his ass into the sun for this.”  She states.  Zack and I both look at each other, and then to her.  “Yes ma’am!” we both say in unison.  I bolt out of the locker room; the last time I seen my grandmother pissed like that the person she was mad at turned into a pile of ash.  He was never heard from again.  That’s what he gets for mouthing off to the Queen/Goddess of the witches.  I miss my Grandpa at times.  My next class was divinations.  I figured out that most of the classes that the people took here were based on what you were.  Even though the council promoted interspecies peace they still separated each other by classes; ergo the Royals from the commoners, and the differences between vamps and werewolves.

The rest of the day went by smoothly I didn’t see Jermaine for the rest of the day so I figured him and Zino were still with my grandmother.   That’s a scary thought.  At least she didn’t borrow Hades’ hell hounds this time.  The last time she borrowed them she used them to tear LITERALLY TEAR the answers out of the subjects.  Around 4th period it was lunch.  I ran into Zino, and Zack but I didn’t run into Jermaine.

As I am standing in the line waiting for my turn to get my food; I noticed this group of boys, pushing on a kid that wasn’t even bothering them.  He was reading a book stating “The Shift & Me” my guess he would have to be a were.  He was short, and a little nerdy looking.  He was none the wiser when the group walked up behind him, knocked his book from his hands, and began laughing at him.  The boy bowed his head to the one who seemed to be the leader, and to shock the hell out of me he apologized for being in the way of the boys.

This now royally pissing me off I storm over to the boys, and I pick up the book and hand it to him.  “You dropped this.” I state smiling at him, he looks up at me and smiles bashfully “Thanks for your kindness” he states; his large brown eyes sparkling with relief.  He runs his hands through his curly brown hair.  He is mixed now that I look at him.  The group of boys that were behind him stops laughing, and smirk at me “Witch you should know your place.”  The biggest one of them speaks; I cock an eyebrow “Oh really, and you should learn some manners you flea infested piece of shit.  What gives you the right to even do this to the boy?”  I spat at him.  “You dare speak to an Alpha this way?” he questions his dark features bordering on scary, his eyes change from their honey brown color , to that of the yellow of the new moon almost a blood orange.  I back up quickly the boy in front of me looking scared throws himself in front of me. “Alpha h-he didn’t know.  Please show him mercy, and take your frustrations out on me as it is ordained in the pack!” he pleads.  The hell I think to myself. PACK??  WTF does he mean pack.  Oh he is part of the werewolf hierarchy.  “How dare you speak directly to me?” He yells while raising his right arm to backhand the young boy who looks no more than 15 years old. 

Royal high school ( on hold until further notice)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin