Chapter 2 "The Locker Room Showdown!!!"

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 A/N:  Sorry it took me a while to upload the 2nd Chap I've been really, really busy....Working 2 jobs, and going to school is really draining but I do hope that you guys enjoy the Chapter!!!! Don't forget to Vote!!!!!

            We walk into the school; the walls are covered in burgundy and gold.  The office is almost like a small hole in the wall.  We walk in to get our schedules, well more like my schedule as seeing as they already have theirs.  The woman who is sitting at the desk is a tall woman that makes amazons look short.  She must be part giant or something, she looks up from her computer “can I help you honey?” she asks sweetly.  “My name’s Evan de Mon and I need to get my schedule for my classes.” She looks at me oddly “You’re Hecate’s grandson???” she asks sounding thrown off. -__-* I always get this same reaction whenever I tell someone my name, and who my family is.  “Yes, the one and the same.” I say dryly.  She smiles and flicks her wrist and a piece of paper floats to me.  “There you go sugar; if you need anything please let me know, and I’ll do my best to help you.” She states admirably.  “Thanks.” I say as I begin to walk out of the office.  Before the door can even close I feel a breeze and the papers are snatched from my hand.  “Jermaine give it back!” I groan he is always doing things like this.  He flashes in front of me grinning.  “Someone’s got gym first period.” He chuckles at me.  “So what I can be athletic!” I say dejectedly I said it this way because I’m not athletic at all.  I tried to throw a football and I think I sprained my finger.  Don’t laugh at me it happens dammit.  “Alright you don’t have to be sporty boo.  It’s one of the things I love about you hehehe” he snickers at me.  I roll my eyes at him and begin walking past him snatching the schedule from his hands.  I start walking towards what I think is the gym after walking for 5 minutes I turn around and look at Jermaine; who’s looking around avoiding eye contact with me.  “I’m going the wrong way aren’t I?” I ask him “Yep.” He says popping the ‘P’ extra hard.  I roll my eyes “Can you show me where to go?” “I can do better than that.” He smiles at me “No, No, and Hell naw!” I scream at him “Hold your breath.” He says before he grabs me and before I can say anything else everything blurs and melds together.  Before I can blink we’re in front of a door tha say ‘boy’s locker room.’  He lets go of me and smiles brightly.  “I don’t have a uniform Maine.” He looks at me and says “Stay here and whatever you do don’t go in there without me.”  “It’s not like someone is going to try and kill me dude.” “Bitch please like I said stay your ass out in this hallway until I get back.” I smile at him and nod my head; I reach in my pocket to get out my iPod and he’s gone.  I put my earphones in and turn to Bleed by Hot Chelle Rae.  I’m waiting for like 10 minutes and I notice that I have to pee, and this is just great because he told me not to go in there without him. ‘ehh how bad could it be?’ I ask myself.  I open the door and I’m going through my song list ; as I’m going through the list I bump into a very hard, very wet, and very warm wall.  Wait a second walls aren’t warm, and they damn sure aren’t wet, and I am pretty sure that they don’t breathe either.  Wait breathing? Oh shit yeah I think I’ve walked into a person.  I look up at the person I walked into and boy am I glad I walked into him.

            I look up at this 6’ something, broad chest having, olive skin, he had grey eyes, full pink lips, beautiful white teeth, and golden blonde hair.  His eyes turned from Gray to a deep black almost looking like Jermaine’s when he is hypnotizing someone.  I cautiously back up and try to move but to no avail I walk into another person.  This one on the other hand looks a little bit like the blonde haired boy but he is much smaller, his hair is a deep brown, and his eyes the color of emeralds.  He scoffs “Zion would you please leave him alone; he’s protected from what I can sense off of him.” He states in a bored voice.

            “Protected what did he mean protected?” I question myself in my own mind.  “He means that someone has the power to know where you are, and what’s going on around you.” The one named Zion voiced in a booming baritone.  “Wait a second did he jus---“ “read your mind? Yes that happens to be one of my many talents.” He smirks and takes a step towards me.  I jump back and bump into the other boy whose name I had yet to know.  “Why didn’t I just stay my ass out in the hall like Jermaine told me to?” I mumble to myself.  I straighten up, and walk over to Zion “Look I’m terribly sorry that I bumped into you I should really watch where I’m going.” I say before I feel a calm wash over me it hit me like mixing crushed Vicodin with Vodka. (Something you never want to do.)  The last time something like this happened to me bad things happened to a lot of people and the bad things name is Jermaine Hussein.  Jermaine is very protective of me probably because I don’t really stick up for myself.  Before I know it the 3 foot gap between Zion and I have been closed into a 3 inch gap.  I shudder and let go of the breath that I was holding in.  “Look I apologized for bumping into you; I don’t want any trouble.  If you would be so kind as to let me leave I’ll go back into the hall.”  I try and say with courage but wind up sounding like a wounded mouse.  “Great just great now I sound like a punk.” I state inside my head.  Zion chuckles at this, and I’m wondering the obvious that yep he is still inside my head.

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