Chapter 6

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Ashtons POV

"Hush Michael" I scolded pushing him away

"Ashton?" She asked

"Yeah, sorry" I said walking outside

"So my step mom and I are going out later today and I don't have anybody to watch Rylan-" I cut her off

"You want me to babysit?" I asked

"I'll pay you" she said

"No need, but you can go on a date with me" I smirked

"I can pay you" she said quietly and I laughed

"I guess you'll just have to find someone else then" I joked

"Fine" she groaned

"Fine what?" I teased

"I will go on one date with you Ashton" she responded

"Great, so what time should I be there?" I asked going back inside

"Can you be here by 5:45?" She asked

"Sure" I smiled

"I'll see you then" I said hanging up

"What the hell Michael?" I asked when he jumped on me

"You have a date don't you?" He smiled

"No, well not necessarily, I'm babysitting" I said

"That's it?" He scoffed

"Ashton I thought we taught you better than that" he said sitting on the couch

"You know life isn't all about sleeping around right?" I asked grabbing a beer

"Duh. It's about eating pizza, getting money, and then sleeping around"

"Fucking retard" I whispered rolling my eyes

"Love you to"

Madison's POV

"Mom you're okay with this right?" I asked

"Honey, Rose and I get along just fine. It's Lily I don't like, she has a nasty attitude" she said washing her hands

"So since the twins are with daddy, and I'm gonna be gone, where are you going?" I asked

"I'm going to Mrs. Jacksons house" she said and I nodded

"What time will you be back?" She asked wiping down the counter

"I'll be back by 8:30" I said jumping off the stool

"Wait, who's watching Rylan?" She asked

"Ashton is coming over?" I said

"Do you like Ashton?" She asked looking me in the eyes

"I mean he's a very attractive person, but a drummer isn't my type" I said

"Your dad used to be in a band you know?" She raised her eyebrow

"And that's why YOU married him" I winked putting the emphasis on you

"I have to go get ready mama" I said running upstairs

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