Chapter 19

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Ashton's POV

"How's your mom?" Madison asked as we sat on a park bench

"She's doing well, just taking care of my brother and sister" I said watching out for Rylan

"She really likes you a lot" Madison said

"Who does?" I asked looking down at her

"Rylan, she's always asking about you, it's really cute" she said smiling

"She doesn't do that for her dad?" I asked and she shook her head

"Don't get me wrong, She loves her dad a lot, but she talks about you a lot more than she talks about him" she said and I kind of smiled to myself

"That's cool" I said looking at Madison

"Yeah, it is" she said smiling back at me

We were this close to kissing, but then Rylan quickly ran over towards us.

"Mommy?" She said looking at Madison

"Yes sweetie?" She asked

"Can we go get ice cream please?" She asked

"I don't know about that baby, it's getting late and you haven't had dinner yet" Madison explained and Rylan pouted

"Alright mommy" Rylan said kissing Madison's cheek then running back to play

"I can take you guys out to dinner" I offered

"Oh Ashton, please you do not have to do that trust me" she said shaking her head

"But I want to" I said holding her hand causing her to smile

"Alright fine, but nothing expensive or fancy" she warned pointing her finger at me

"Yes ma'am" I said and she laughed


Madison's POV

"Rylan, what do you say to Ashton?" I asked bending down to her level as we stood outside of the house

"Thank you so very much" she said smiling brightly

"You are so very welcome" he said bending down to her level

My heart melted a little when she ran into his arms and kissed his cheek causing Ashton to blush.

"Goodnigh ladies" Ashton said hugging me

"Goodnight Ash" I said waving at him and walking inside

"Alright, go take a shower and get ready for bed"

"So, how was your date?" Mia asked as I walked into the kitchen

"It wasn't a date if Rylan was there I said pulling out a tub of ice cream and two spoons

"You wish it was" she said taking a spoon from me

"I mean I wouldn't mind" I said opening the container

"You guys should start dating" she said eating a spoonful of ice cream

"Hungry much?" I asked

"I'm starving, I've been laying in bed all day long and I've been throwing up all day" she said

"You pregnant?" I asked jokingly knowing she hates the question

"No you ass, I just started my period this morning" she said and I hit her in the mouth and laughed

"I mean I'm wearing baggy sweat pants and a sweatshirt" she said

"I know, I'm just messing with my baby sister" I said hugging her

"Why are y'all darker than me?" She randomly asked

"Girl, we told you this one hundred times. On moms side grandma was mixed" I told her

"I know" she said

"I'm going to bed" I said giving her the ice cream tub

"Goodnight" she replied finishing her ice cream


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