Chapter 21

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Madison's POV

"I can't wait to see dad" Mia said fixing her hair

"I can't either. Its almost been a whole month" I said

"I just want everything to go well, like I really don't want to have to jump across the table and attack Lily, because I will do it, trust me" she said and I laughed

"Yes, I know. Trust me I know. I've wanted to drag her ass many of times" I whispered in her ear

"Are Luke and Ashton going to be here?" She asked

"Yes, I told Ashton to bring Luke" I said walking down the steps and to the front door

"That's them, right now" I said opening the door

"Hi guys, thanks for coming" I said letting them in

"Are you sure your mom doesn't mind?" Ashton asked

"She'd rather you guys be here than them" I said quietly

"Mommy?" Rylan mumbled while rubbing her eyes

"Yeah honey?" I asked picking her up

"Can we eat already?" She asked resting her head on my shoulder

"Not yet baby, grandpa is gonna be here soon" I said smoothing down her hair

As if on cue there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Mia said excitedly pushing me out of the way

"Dad!" Mia said loudly hugging our father

"Oh my gosh, look at you. You've gotten taller and so much prettier." He told her

"Thank you" she said and I smiled watching them have there moment

"Madison, where's my hug?" My dad playfully asked and I ran into his arms

"I missed you so much dad" I mumbled into his chest

"I missed you two sweetie, but who are those two white boys on the couch?" He asked and I laughed

"Dad this is my boyfriend Ashton" I said holding his hand

"And this is my freakishly tall boyfriend Luke" Mia said holding onto Luke's arm

"Well it's nice to meet the both of you" a sick voice said

"I'm Lily, their step sister. I'm sure you've heard so much about me" she said walking through the door

"Where's the rest of your clothes Lilian?" Mia asked

"I don't know what you mean. I think I look great" she said

"Of course you do" I mumbled

"Where's your mother?" I asked looking past her

"I'm right here" she said and I smiled

"Its good to see you Roselyn" I heard my mom say

"Its good to see you to, you look amazing" she said

I actually loved the relationship my mother and Roselyn had with each other. It was the complete opposite of the way Mia and I felt about Lily , we absolutely loathed each other. Every free chance there was we were at each others throats.

"So who's hungry?" I asked

(Sad/ shocking warning)

Mia's POV

"So tell me Luke, how did you and her meet" she said and I tightly gripped my fork

"Be nice Lily, I mean it" Roselyn warned her

"I'm just asking a question." She said

"Well, we've gone to the same middle and high school, but I've liked her since 8th grade, but I just now asked her out and I'm happy that I did" he said smiling at me

"No kissing, there's children" Madison said covering Rylans eyes

I smiled and kissed Luke on the lips. I rolled my eyes once Lily started dramatically clapping her hands slowly.

"That's really cute. Really, it is. So you two basically know everything about each other, right?" She asked

"Lily, what are you getting at?" her mother asked

"Of course we do" I answered holding onto his hand

"So you know about his family and he knows all about yours, right?" She asked

"What the hell are you trying to say?" I asked

"Lilian, that is enough! Shut your mouth" Roselyn said

"Are you serious, she really doesn't know? Madison how could you not tell your sister?" She asked

"Rylan, cover your ears" Rylan did so

"You shut your fucking mouth Lily do you understand me?" she threatened as her voice got louder

"What don't I know?" I asked

"Its nothing, Lily please stop." My dad said

"No, I want to know" I argued

"Are you really that stupid?" She asked

"Excuse you?" I asked

"You really don't know?" She asked again

"No! What the fuck don't I know?" I asked angrily

"Honey, you're adopted"

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