Chapter 2

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I wake up and stretch. I force myself to get out of bed and I yawn. I pad silently down the stairs and see some bread and butter on the table. Peeta has already been here... amazing. Bakers always woke up early. To this day I don't understand how they could do it, but they do. I almost laugh aloud at the thought. It's been a while since I laughed... Peeta would be delighted to hear it. I sigh and eat slowly, my stomach slowly digesting it. I finish eating and I look outside, my face slightly hidden by the curtains.

        Peeta was holding a bag and walking toward my house. I quickly back up, almost tripping over a rug. I inwardly groan. I've lost some of my grace. There's a knock on my door.

        "Katniss, it's Peeta." I stride over to the door and open it. Peeta smiles nervously at me. The bag has a strange moving shape inside it. Peeta notices me looking and he laughs. "This is what I wanted to show you. Can I, uh, come in?"

        "Oh. Oh, yeah. Come on in," I stammer. I feel blush creeping it's way up to my face. I try to stop it, but it's no use. My cheeks turn bright red. I swallow in embarrassment. Peeta looks at me from the corner of his eyes and I can tell he's holding back a smile. I sigh quietly. He sits on the floor of my living room and I frown.

        "What're you doing?"

        "Just watch." Peeta smiles goofily and pulls the thing from his bag. I gasp. It was a dog. He was a cream-brown color and as big as a toddler human. It was whimpering slightly as it got used to the new place he was in. Then, he starts to walk toward me. In surprise, I take a stiff half-step back, but I kneel down and gently touch its soft head. I smile and stroke his head. He barks slightly and sniffs my hand curiously.

        "What's it's name?" I ask Peeta. He frowns slightly.

        "I wanted you to name him..." he says slowly. I break into a grin.

        "Finnick," I say immediately. Peeta smiles sadly.

        "Finnick it is," he agrees. I look down and feel tears in my eyes. 

        "Hello, Finnick," I whisper. Finnick barks again and licks my face. I laugh and hold him in my arms. I look at Peeta and he smiles back at me.

        "He's yours." 


YOOOOOOOOOO I finally updated. Sorry this is so short, I've been a bit busy. But here it is. And I hope you like it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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