Chapter 1

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I sigh and look at Peeta's house next door. I've been falling into a pit of depression. I miss Prim and Finnick and Rue and everyone else so much. I miss the regular District 12 before the 74th Hunger Games. Even though 12 wasn't the best place to live, I miss it. I miss the regular things: Starving people, hunting with Gale. It was so familiar, and now all of it is gone. 
        "Katniss?" Peeta knocks on my door. I shut him out. No. Not now. Not when I'm about to break down. He says my name more desperately this time. I bury my head between my knees and squeeze my ears shut. I can't do it. Prim...
        "I know you're in there, Katniss. Please come out. Is something wrong?" Yes, Peeta. Everything is wrong. I don't respond. I make sure the door is locked and go to my room, practically dragging myself. I hear Peeta yelling at me.
        "Katniss! Katniss!" he yells. I feel my heart shatter but I won't let him in. I can't. I won't. He'll have to break in to see me. The door shutters under his pounding. I lock my bedroom door and go under my blankets. I stare at the insides of my eyelids. I think of Prim exploding into fiery pieces and I choke on a sob. I claw at my head.
        "Make it stop!" I find myself screaming. My door bursts open and Peeta is there.
        "Katniss. Katniss. Look at me. Hey. I'm right here." I curl up into a ball and refuse to look at him, for his sake and as well as mine. I whimper and cry silently. This is so unlike me, but I don't care. I can't deal with this pain.
        "Katniss... Prim-"
        "Don't say her name!" I snarl. My anger is suddenly uncontrollable. I glare at him. "She's gone, Peeta! I want her back. Stop saying her name." I feel the fury go out of me like a blown-out candle and I fall back on my bed and sob. I feel his shaky hand on my shoulder. I tense up.
        "I'm sorry. I was trying to help." He looks at the scrapes on the side of my head from my nails. He gets a damp cloth and dabs at it. I lay unmoving until he's done. 
        "I'm here, okay? I'm here for you." He strokes my hair and I cry myself to sleep.


I wake up and Peeta hasn't moved. He smiles at me. "Hey," I whisper.
        "Hi." He squeezes my hand. 
        "I'm sorry," I mutter. Peeta shrugs.
        "It's okay. I understand. I'm sorry she's gone. I didn't really get to meet her, but from what I hear, she was an amazing person." I nod sadly. "I made some bread downstairs. I'll be downstairs when you're ready." He squeezes my hand once more and leaves me alone. I don't go down to see him. I'm not even hungry. I've eaten nothing for the past few days. After a few minutes, he comes up.
        "Have you been eating? You're food is a bit dusty..." I look away and Peeta sighs. He helps me up and to the bathroom. He starts the shower and makes me a bath. Then, he closes the door with a change of clothes on the ground. I carefully fold my clothes and slip into the warm water. I sigh as the warmth eases my tight muscles and softens my stone-cold heart. I soak for ten minutes and get out. I dry off and get dressed. Peeta has set out a blue shirt and simple black pants. I braid my hair and unlock my door. I walk downstairs heavily, like I weigh a ton. I don't physically weigh that much, but I do inside.
        "Eat something, Katniss. Please." Peeta sets some food on my table. I look at him like he's crazy. "I'm serious. You're not healthy enough." I frown.
        "I'm fine, Peeta. Don't worry about me," I say weakly. I know I won't be able to convince him. I sigh. Peeta groans and gestures with the plate of food. I sigh, defeated. I take a small bite of his cheese buns. I moan in pleasure. It's so good. Better than I remembered... 
        I finally realize just how famished I really am. I quickly devour all the food on my plate. Peeta watches intently with a large grin on his face. I look up at him, my cheeks rosy. 
        "See?" he says pointedly. I blush an even deeper red. I nod slowly. Peeta grins and hugs me gently. "I'm coming over everyday now to check on you. Okay?"
        "Okay," I say quietly. I sigh. Peeta's smile widens and he kisses my cheek quickly. He blushes this time and I avert my eyes. So silly. Too soon after Prim - 
        I use my braid to cover my wet eyes. I have to stop thinking about her. I'll just be in more pain.
        "Thank you, Peeta," I say softly. My throat starts to close up. I try to swallow. I almost choke and my hands shake. Peeta notices and gives me a tight squeeze.
        "It'll be okay," he whispers. I nod and the tears stream down my cheeks silently. I hold his hands. I say nothing. We stay like that for ten minutes. We break apart and notice Peeta is crying too.
        "I'll see you tomorrow, Katniss. I have some leftover food for you," he says. He looks like he wants to say more, but he's gone into the night.


Sooooooo this is my HG fanfic. I hope you like it. I've been reading so much Everlark fanfiction I just HAD to write this, so here it is. I hope you like it. Vote, comment etc. ya know what to do, my wonderful fanboys and fangirls :)

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