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This chapter is dedicated to MeharSidhu33


"Dadu! I want to marry her!! I like her for god sake!", He whined like he always did. He knew he's the apple of his grandfather's eyes, and whatever he will demand would be granted to him without delay. No matter how ridiculous his demand is. For the matter of fact, a girl's hand in marriage.

Om Prakash ji sighed to himself, "Mahir! You are not demanding some car or a foreign trip. It is a girl!! A girl who has most probably not even seen you!"

The sarpanch of this huge village for continuous thirty years, Om Prakash always maintained a hard exterior outside to get things done. One reason why people respected and bowed before him. The only soft part of his heart was those brown eyes of his only grandchild staring back at him. And this was no hidden.

One demand from Mahir, and he would bring on earth, the moon. But this time, his grandson's demand is unexpected and completely out of his hand.

Back to his village after ten years of staying in London and completing his higher education, Mahir never knew a morning walk would give him the opportunity to see one of the most beautiful specimen of woman, teaching maths in the primary school of his village.

He stood up when he saw his grandfather's unwillingness to give him what he wants.

"Dadu!...if you don't give me her...I will...", He contemplated, "....I will go on a hunger strike!!"

"Mahir! She is a girl...not a toy!", His grandfather said angrily and left the room.

Mahir knew this is going to be hard, but he was going be harder. He had to fight this hard when he demanded shifting to London...he wouldn't mind a repeat.


Om Prakash sat across the old man, looking at him with a nervous expression. The things he does for his brat!

"I..I don't know sarpanch ji! This is..very...uh...sudden!", Bhaskar Sharma said in a feeble voice.

He never knew, when he'll wake up in the morning, the Sarpanch will himself walk through his doors stating he finds his granddaughter, suitable for his grandson.

"I know it is sudden Bhaskar ji! But I think your daughter is really capable, and if I am assured of that, and if you don't have any problems, there is no reason to delay the talk."

Bhaskar ji nodded. He was the headmaster of the village primary school, while his granddaughter helped him in teaching as now his old age was overwhelming his body.

His granddaughter, Bela, has been living with him since she was eleven. After losing her both parents in a tragic accident, she was given to her nearest relative, his grandfather. His wife, Barkha died of cancer years ago she was born, and now he was waiting for death himself.

His Bela was so innocent, and knew nothing of the world. He has been a strict grandfather, who taught her well, and turned her into an educated woman. She never had friends and remained to herself, painting the most beautiful paintings, his house was now decorated in.

The thought that what she will do, after he finally leaves the world dreaded him always. And he didn't want to marry her off when she's so unaware of how cruel the world can be. He blamed himself that she is so closed off and aloof. The trauma of her parents was over but she never came out of her shell. He didn't allow her to fend herself, because he was afraid someone else or she herself would hurt her. He always did his best to protect her and hide her from the world. But can a man really help, whose only family is that little eleven years old girl.

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