We are just friends!

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"That's alright! I don't care."

He looked at her curiously, "Are you sure you don't??"

She looked back at him, and rolled her eyes, "Ofcourse you are my friend. And not boyfriend that I'd have problems with you pursuing some girl. Go on! I have your back."

It was strange that one sided words had the power to slash two hearts at the same moment. He expected something else, something she was dying to yell at him. But he didn't get that, and she couldn't give that.

He sighed and nodded, "Ofcourse I'd pursue her. And well, you forgot to use 'best' before friends."

Ms.Heart, half dead and bleeding, 'It hurts.'

Mr. Brain, 'It shouldn't. We don't own him.'

'Can we own him for once.', Ms. Heart pleaded.

Mr. Brain, 'No! He's out of our reach.'

With that he picked up his bag, and left the library in haste. He wanted to get away from her to think things through, while she thought he was out pursuing his new interest.

Mahir and Bela have been friends for five years now, since they first met in college, and now pursuing an internship together. The two were complete contrast to each other, but they understood each other like true friends do.

While Mahir belonged to an open minded family and was the only son, Bela was the idol of her little siblings, and the best asset of her conservative family.

However, conservative did not mean her friendship with a boy was unapproved of. They trusted their daughter, and also the guy she was friends with. And Bela, being a middle class girl, has always aspired to make her parents happier. And she knew her parents' ultimate happiness lied in choosing a man for her. She respected that.

Love was a strict no for her. Love affair an even bigger no. She seeked permanence in people and relationships. And disapproved anything that had to do with temporary fun.

Through all this, she became friends with a guy, who believed in quite the contrast. He looked for love. He admitted he looked at girls, though never disrespectfully. He was a playboy on the skin, and a gentleman at the heart.

But five years of being together, sharing details and stuff, eating together, talking endlessly, feelings brewed on both sides. But none had the guts to express them.

Mahir knew Bela would never go for a guy she likes, rather the one who her parents choose. He was afraid if he'd voice out his love, he would end up loosing his friend too.

Bela on the other hand, tried her best to deny whatever she felt by naming it mere biology. She knew she is too plain to be liked by a guy like him, who searched for the best girl always.

Mahir, sat on his bed, with his laptop playing a movie. His mind was playing another one. He was on that 'supposed' date right now. After that last conversation with Bela, he went straight and refused the girl, whatever her name was, by telling her that he is taken. Only that he had no answer when she asked who was she.

"I like to keep my relationship private.", He said and left.

He picked up his phone to see no text or call from Bela. He can't text her after the way he left. And definitely not because he was on a date, according to her. The movie on the laptop was only running frames.

It was usually their talking time. More like they talked always. On text, on call, in person.

"Ugh!!", He groaned as if in pain.

And just then, his phone pinged with a distinct tone, indicating a message from her.

He hastily picked up his phone, "Don't be disturbed. Text me when your dinner is over."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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