Chapter 7: Demon Goblin 1

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What the heck was that?!

The things happened so fast

Me and Estelle are on the ground now

All the remaining goblins are split in half

[[Level Up]] 

“Wait the girls!!” 

They're tied down on the groud  so they wasn't cut too

And the one who attacked us killing it's own soldier too

Is standing there's looking annoyed 

“Damn useless pawns they can't even defeat a kid” 





Tch I guess Identifys level is still low... 

What do you think analyze? 


Nothing too huh

“Whatever you'll be killed anyway” 

The Guy on hood once again chanted something and then invisible slashes came to us

“He's using wind magic!” 

Estelle jumped to me again and tried to counter attack 

What am I doing getting save by a girl

I'm so weak

I stood up and grabbed my dagger 

“Damn it” 

I tried to attack but.

[You can't] 

Even Analyze is stopping me

“Rize, just stay there guard the girls” 

I'm so useless Is there nothing I can do? 

[There is but I'm not sure yet that guy there i can't identify him, maybe it's because of the hood but I'm getting a demon vibes around him] 

Thanks analyze 

“Estelle! Remove his hood!”

She look at me confused 

“I don't really get it but I'll do it!” 

In an instant Estelle Jumped really fast that I can't catch it with my eyes


The hood was removed revealing a goblin with horns?


What is it analyze? 

[For an split second Estelle was.... no it's nothing That is not just a normal goblins he's a demon]

I couldn't clearly hear the first part  but what if he's demon? 

[You don't really remember huh? Then repeat my words, this skill is extremely dangerous even with your mana expanded a little because of your training and leveling up...]

What are you babbling about there just tell me what is it Estelle can't hold up much longer 

[Then here it is repeat after me....... ] 

Got it thanks analyze 

[Rize no baka] 

“Hallowed Eye Magic: Purify!” 

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