Chapter 11: Heart warming breakfast with a cute cat

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"Aaaaa! where's the little girl!!"


The girl that was sleeping beside the woke up and now panicking

"Whaaaa you little girl, you're safe!!"

I hugged the little girl

Thank god I was just dreaming

"Wait where am I?"

I'm in an unfamiliar room with this bed a closet and a lamp

A typical Inn type room



I hurriedly get away from the little girl

"S-sorry I didn't mean to, a-also thanks for looking after me"

I fogot that I was hugging her.... I'm embarrassed

"mmm, This is nothing compared for saving my life"

Wow she's surprisingly matured most kid that age will get a trauma from that also most kid will just say 'Arigato onii-chan' or something like that

"No no it's nothing, I didn't even defeat the demon"

"Onii-chan is so cool there I was about to get hit and then woosh onii-chan came to save me like a prince kyaa"

What an exaggeration

Also what happened to that mature personality


She's clinging to me now


What's with that laugh It's so heart warming

I want to pat youuuu


Oops I unconsciously patted her

And she's purring so cutee~

I didn't notice it before because of the actions going on but

"You have cat ears....."

She then looked at me and

"Do onii-chan hate beastkins?"

What's with that frown so cute~

"Ah no, It's just that it's the first time onii-chan saw beastkins"

With this level of cuteness no one would dare say that they hate her

"Is that so, ne ne onii-chan do you know I'm a catkin"

It's so obvious because of your ears and purring but...

"Heeeee~ It's that so~ so that's why-" is very cute

I don't know her namee

What do I do?! What do I do?!!

"Hmm onii-chan?"

I'm cornered

"Oi kid you awake- woah kid looks like you got yourself a girlfriend"



And why are you blushing?!

"S-shes not my girlfriend!! and also we're still too young for that!!!"

FBI won't get me right???

"If you can shout like that come down here and eat breakfast"

Now that you mention it I'm really hungry

I got up and prepare to go down but...

"Umm.... Can you let go of me??"

The little girl just keep clinging to my arms


And then she continue clinging to my arm

"O-ok then I'll go down to eat now"

So I opened the door and find the stairs to go down that is of course in the end of the hallway

The fact that I can move my body normally means there are no broken bones just some cut and bruises

[And a stab on the back]

Yep and a stab on the-

Heyy analyze you're back!!!


No response huh

Anyways I got down to the first floor and ate breakfast

-Bonus content-

"Aaahhmm here you go"

"Hey! why are you feeding me! I can handle mysel-"


the little girl suddenly put the spoon on my mouth while I'm still speaking

"Hmmm That's good ehehehe~"

Eh Isn't she a little bit forceful???

"Here another one"

I'm getting chills, Is it some sort of dejavu?? what is dejavu anyway??

Never mind that!!! I want to escape!!!


Sorry about the last chapter I'm just really bad at narrating lol anyways enjoy!!

Also the bonus content isn't part of the story, we already have a yandere on the heroes side and I don't want to ruin her cute personality

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