Chapter 5: The Changes

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The ninja hedgehog charged at the 2 GUN agents and slashed his sword towards Shadow in vertical direction, Shadow managed to duck and avoid the attack but Collin went for a stab with his other sword so shadow was forced to jump. He jumped in the air and went for a downer attack, Collin noticed his as he jumped back, Shadow's kick however left a small crack in the ground. He didn't waste anymore time as he immediately went for a horse back kick but Collin blocked the attack, he grabbed his leg, spun him and threw him towards a nearby wall. Shadow was quick to react as he kicked the wall before he crashed on it, he ducked a bit before going up the wall, at that time Rouge went for a Screw Kick in the head but Collin dodged. Unlike Shadow Rouge kept continuously kicking at Collin but Collin managed to evade them all except one, with her last and strongest kick Rouge stood on one arm on the ground and spun herself before dealing a heavy spin kick to Collin's torso. Even though Collin guarded himself the kick had sent him flying for a few meters, that's how Rouge landed the first blow

"Not bad, not everyone is able to hit me" Collin said

"I'm not a GUN agent from yesterday so don't underestimate me" Rouge said while smiling

Collin then took out 3 shuriken in each hand and threw them towards Rouge, she responded with throwing the same amount of her heart bombs towards him which successfully countered his attack leaving 3 small explosions between them. However Collin threw another 3 of them as they appeared from the smoke and Rouge flew with her bat wings. She then threw more heart bombs at him but he vanished, he reappeared behind Rouge and went to kick her but then realized why Shadow ran up the wall, Shadow threw a Chaos Spear towards him which hit Collin as he fell back to the ground, Shadow fired 4 more. The two of them were successfully evaded and the other two were deflected by Collin's swords.

"How did you know where I would teleport?" Collin asked

"That wasn't teleportation, I observed you this whole time. You camouflaged yourself so Rouge wouldn't notice you, however I was able to detect you by the sounds you were making. Say, those abilities of yours are similar to Espio's, do you by any chance know him?"

This caused Collin to chuckle

"Seems like you know him, he went to the ninja academy with me. I decided to join Snively only to get stronger, that's why as long as I can have that power I'm okay with working with him."

Shadow needn't ask anymore questions since it was all clear to him, all that Collin was interested in was power and wealth, a typical villain

Monologue over, Shadow jumped from the ceiling to attack Collin again but like last time Collin evaded successfully, Shadow went for more punches but Collin evaded them all before Rouge jumped over Shadow and did a vertical kick. Collin shook his head backwards to avoid, however Rouge was still flying, then she went for her eagle kick but just as her foot was about to reach his head he blocked the attack and grabbed her. He punched her in the stomach, kicked her in the back and sent her flying towards the wall, she hit the wall hard as there were visible cracks left from where she hit. Shadow didn't waste time as he did a homing attack, knocking Collin back to the ground, Collin stood on his feet as he took 3 kunai in each hand, he threw them all at once. One of them grazed Shadow's cheek as there was a scratch left, Collin didn't waste time as he charged towards Shadow again only this time with a sword in intent to kill, Shadow was able to notice this as he took one chaos emerald from his pocket and yelled

"Chaos Control!"

After he proclaimed the name time had stopped and the world's colors became inverted, Shadow used the few seconds he had to deliver a few blows to Collin before time continued

Collin then felt the impact of those blows as he was sent flying towards a big wooden box as he crashed on it and shattered it

When the dust cloud cleared out Collin got up and smiled

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