8 ୨୧ 4 Gays Get Smashed

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For: @thugginhood


"Luke, what the hell are you wearing?"

I frowned at Ashton, looking at my top that had pictures of corn on it, "It's a crop top?" The other three boys frowned and Michael rolled his eyes as I cracked up laughing, "Laugh at my pun, it's funny."

"Shut up Luke."

I pouted and sat beside Ashton as I looked at the alcohol in front of us.

"I'm only 18, is this even legal?"

"As long as you don't leave the room."

My eyes widened and I looked at Michael, about to make an excuse to leave before Calum took advantage and thrusted a bottle into my mouth, making me choke and spit it out, "What the hell?!"


I sighed and we started drinking, just drinking and drinking before Michael decided we were drunk enough to start the game. Our speech was slurred and we looked like absolute shit but we managed to get at least 5 questions done before something happened.

Michael looked at me, "Al-alright... St-tand up, evrone... Yeah... Luke, close yo-ur eyes... We're gonna making you sp-spinny spin... You have to ki-kiss the fir-st person yo-you... See..."

I got spun around for a couple minutes and was beginning to feel sick when someone, I think Calum?, shouted out stop and I opened my eyes to see a giggling boy. Without thinking I stumbled forward, partly because of the drunkenness and partly because I was dizzy. I connected lips without worry to the person in front of me, hands tangling in their hair as the persons hands went to my thighs. We shared a drunken basically make out session with teeth clanking, and breath smelling of alcohol as the other two boys cheered behind us, though the sounded quite tired.

In the end, I ended up stumbling forward a bit and me and the boy in front of me fell over, not even bothering to move as we were too intoxicated to think straight and we just ended up falling asleep with me in the crook between the neck and shoulder and his hands placed over my back.


I groaned as I woke up, going to push myself up until I found something movie under me, too tired to open my eyes I felt around, "Hemmings, stop feeling me up. It's too early in the morning." With difficulty I opened my eyes and found Michael beneath me, lips red and I smiled a little, "Nice lips, Calum kiss you a bit too hard?"

"I'm guessing it would explain why you're currently on my body with redder lips than your penis right now instead of him."

"Shit." I kind of rolled off of him, still not completely awake and too tired to do anything, a killer headache, I didn't feel like doing anything so instead of moving away I kept my head on Michael's shoulder, just lying on it as I could basically feel his breathing.

"We kissed."

"We had a fucking make out session Luke."

"I'm pretty sure it was your stupid dare!"

"You were meant to kiss Ashton but then you took one more step and you faced me and I was drunk and just... Fuck you man."

"Hey, I'm hot, you're hot, what's the deal?"

"You're drunk Luke."

"Headache actually."

"... You called me hot, thanks."


"This is not becoming a regular thing."

"It might."

"I have Calum."

"I can't have a cat because of Ashton."

"Get a fish."

"Fish are hard work man."

We just kind of laid like that, I checked my phone and it was around 5 in the morning and Calum and Ashton were fast asleep on the beds, I didn't want to move, Michael made a good pillow. It was silent before Michael spoke up, "I wont tell Calum, you wont tell Ashton?"

"I wont tell anyone."

And that's basically how Michael and Luke became fuck buddies before almost a year.


Idk. I wanted drama and I thought it was too early for Lashton so why not Muke? So next chapter will have Muke smut, maybe, and it's a year later so this is the end of Vegas!

Can we talk about Fall Out Boy's new album like pls.


See you on the flipside!

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