5 ୨୧ Gay Day In

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For: @trippymalum


"Let's have a gay day in!"

"Really Ashton?"

"... We can talk about how much of a dick Jacob is?"

"I'll get the blankets."

I smiled as Luke left to get the blankets, and maybe I checked out his ass, but shut up, and left to go make two hot chocolates.

I grabbed the packet of marshmallows because I knew Luke liked to get his own and I got two packet of chips, one for each of us.

"So, anything you want to say about him Ashton?"

"I'm way hotter than him. Oh, and Michael thought I was your date."

Luke winked, "Next time."

I simply laughed, "Topic?"

"I don't know... Daddy..."

"Okay, first of all, shut up. Secondly, shut up."

"You aren't rejecting it! Michael was right... You are kinky..."

"I hate you."

"How do you have a daddy kink if you bottom though?" Luke blew into his drink and drank some, looking at me as if that was the normalest question ever.

For us it probably was though.

"I don't know... I just do okay?"

"Don't worry, it's hot. And if it makes you feel better, once I wore panties to impress a guy. And it worked."

"Was it Calum? Because I know Michael does that for him. Black lace. He showed me and I nearly cried."

We both laughed as Luke shook his head, "No, this guy fully went for it. He like gave me a wig and one of his oversized tops like okay. I'm a dude but okay."

"I'll give you one of my oversized tops then."

Luke simply laughed, "Maybe when I'm drunk. Anyway, I have some puns for you."

"... Gay puns?"


"I love you."

Luke kind of blushed at that before he brought up his notes on his phone.

"How do you tell if your room-mate is queer?"

"If his names Luke Hemmings?"

"When his dick tastes like shit."


"What do you call a gay dinosaur?"

"A dickosaur?"



"Did you know that 75% of the gay population were born that way?"


"Yeah, the other 25% were sucked into it."

"Jesus. You need Jesus."


"Did you hear about the two gay guys that had an argument in the bar?"


"Yeah, they went outside to exchange blows."


"Did you hear about the gay truckers?"

"... No... No I didn't."

"They exchanged loads."


"What do you call a gay Chinese man?"

"Calum Hood. Wait no, that's gay Asian man."

"Chui me wang."

"Chew my dick?"

"Yes Ashton."



"What did the hobo say when he entered the gay bar?"

"Suck my dick?"

"Mate, could I please bum a fag?"

"I don't smoke and I don't bum random boys."

"You sure?"

"... Most of the time."


"What do you call a gay couple?"

"Not Jacob and Luke."



"Why will Harry Styles make an appearance in the next Narnia film?"

"I live for gay Harry jokes, tell me."

"Because he's that deep in the closet!"

"Marry me."

"Because it rhymes?"

"Is your name Harry?"

"I can change it."

"Okay, let's go to Vegas."


"Are you being serious?"

"Fuck yes. Let's go to Vegas with Malum!"

"Really Luke? Do we have to take them?"

"Ashie, pleaaassseeee."


"Okay... How about this, Daddy can we go to Vegas?"

"... Fucking hell Luke."

"Please Daddy, I'll be good."

"I hate you so much."

"You're getting a boner Ashton oh my god."

"Stop laughing! It's not funny!"

Luke kept on laughing as I stood and rushed away into the bathroom as Luke shouted after me, "WE ARE SO GOING TO VEGAS YOU HONRY SHIT."



Suppity sup Homos!

So if you can't already tell, the titles will always have either the word 'gay' or something to do with porn. Whoops.

Well... Looks like they're going too Vegas in the next chapter and Luke's taking advantage of Ashton. Whose pov next, Luke or Ashton?

Have a good day (:

See you on the flipsiiiiddeee!

you're so gay ୨୧ lashtonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang