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Warning: mentions of suicide

My life was dull before you

There was only black, white, and
shades of grey

I had spent my whole life hiding in the

Where there was no light at all

Bad things kept popping up everywhere I looked

Which just made the world darker

I didn't know how the world could get any darker

But of course I didn't know just how dark it could get

I kept searching for those white moments

Those little moments of light and color

Color never came

But white did

White was when someone said "hi" to me

White was when someone smiled at me

White was when I won a game

White was when someone looked up to me

But those in between moments

Those shades of grey

Rarely came

There were about as frequent as atomic bombs used in combat

Those rare grey moments came

When someone took the time to talk to me

When I actually paid attention to the world

When something went my way

My life was dull before you

But then you added color


red as the rose that blossomed this morning

red as the cardinal that sang to me

And then my life was dull again

I never thought I would see another red

But then came

Another color


orange as the carrots I harvested

orange as the sunset last night

Yet I knew it was just another shade of grey

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